Listening for Truth

Originally published Saturday, 09 November 2019.

Find your truth.

Live your truth.

Truth is whatever you want it to be.

Truth is up to interpretation, culture, imagination.


There are so many uses and connotations for this word today. But if we look way back, we can see that truth is something that has been sought in every generation. 

Blaise Pascal, a Catholic theologian (among other things) way back in the 1600s, famously said, “Truth is so obscured nowadays, and lies so well established, that unless we love the truth, we shall never recognize it.”

In John 18, we can read about Pilate questioning Jesus about truth. Even after Jesus tells Pilate that “everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice,” Pilate asks Jesus, “What is truth?” He drops the conversation there and leaves the room. 

This picture is such a good example of how we, even as believers, tend to question and respond. I often find myself asking this question or some question that essentially leads back to this search for truth, and, just like Pilate, not allowing myself time to hear God’s answer. Or, if I do leave room for him to answer me, I let my pride or insecurities get in the way of receiving it because it doesn’t line up with what the world tells me truth should be.

But if I’m to take God’s words literally, as I should, then receiving his truth – the truth – means I will hear his voice. This is what I should be aiming for at all times. To be fully in relationship with God, I must not only speak to Him, but hear His voice speaking to me. 

Instead of looking for our own truth somewhere to fit our desires, let us look toward the One who is Truth. 

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32

The enemy is really good about feeding us lies through other people, negative self-talk, or disappointment. But when I allow God to fully work in my heart – to sweep away those lies and replace them with His truth – I can finally walk in freedom. 

God, bind my heart to you. Give me wisdom to seek truth that is only found in you, to hear your voice, and to live in the freedom you give.

Sarah Moreau is a twenty-something who loves hiking, camping, reading, and going on adventures with friends. She works at a homeless shelter for women and children where she teaches, helps women obtain GEDs, guides them in pursuing education or careers, and walks with them through the difficult path of recovery from addiction and life struggles. Sarah has been writing since she was a kid – both for her own enjoyment and for others to read. On her days off, you can find Sarah reading, spending time with her 2-year-old nephew or close friends, hiking, or coming up with a new recipe in the kitchen. You can read more of her work at Problems 31 Women.