Be A Light - Day 1

Originally published Tuesday, 01 December 2015.


This is the first day in our Be a Light: 25 Days of Sharing Jesus with Your World series!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed preparing to share it with you!

May the Lord magnify His name through you and your precious life, dear sister (or brother)!

Day One

Pray. I know it sounds overly simplistic, but without our moment by moment abiding in Christ we can't bear a single ounce of fruit! So ask God to lay specific people on your heart, write their names down and commit to pray for them everyday through this season.

You might consider praying and fasting for those around you. But on those busy, less focused days, to remind you to pray for them, stick one name on a post-it note on the following places:

  • bathroom mirror
  • refrigerator
  • desk/file cabinet
  • top of your chest of drawers
  • closet
  • on the dashboard of your car
  • on your computer screen or laptop
  • as a bookmark for where you are reading in your Bible (perfect place to put a name if it is someone in your household so it is more private.)

Thanks for joining us for this series!
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