Summer Refreshment Series

Originally published Friday, 27 June 2014.

Summer is finally here! For many of you living in the colder parts of the US, I’m sure this year’s warm weather comes as a quite a joy. I wonder what awaits you and your Summer on the other side of the computer screen. Family vacation plans? A big move? Enjoying the simple pleasure of long days and cool evenings on the porch? Getting ready for a new school year? 

We’ve had a season of unusual health issues in our family, mixed with the expectation and excitement of awaiting the arrival of our firstborn! This Summer will prove to hold many new experiences, joys and challenges for our little family. 

As I look forward to the coming changes, my mind and hands can’t quite seem to get to all the preparations finished. I’ve always used the Summer season as a time to reassess life, reorganize, re-prioritize, and refresh my heart for serving the Lord. This particular Summer I feel the transitions ahead and have been scrambling to prepare for them. 


If you could refresh one area of your life this Summer, what would it be? What do you think the Lord would like to see renewed in your heart? I've been asking myself that question as mommyhood approaches.


From the beginning of Creation to Revelation’s grand finale, the Lord is always about working newness into His people. Whether it’s a new year, new month, new season or what-have-you, I think it’s always a healthy thing to offer our hearts up to Him with expectation for His work of renewal. 

Join me for the Summer Refreshment series as we journey through topics of renewal, growth and revival. There'll be freebies and give-aways you won't want to miss :) 

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