Originally published Tuesday, 16 February 2016.
Something big is changing inside me.
It's as quiet as it feels beautiful and odd. Because I've always been a planner. I like to plot my steps by where I want to go -- and then I figure out how to get there. And that is how my todays have been planned. To get to a destination.
But, God is longing to be more than a destination. He's offering me His hand instead of a map. God is inviting me to a new way of living -- and I believe this invitation is for you too.
God is calling us: dare to be my beloved. Today.
Once a week on my blog, I'm taking time on Wednesdays to slow down and enjoy virtual One Word Coffee: to stop and practice the art of listening with a community of friends: what is God whispering to me today?
It takes practice to change how we've been trained to be: planning for tomorrow and getting things done. We have to be intentional to stop and listen to God's voice. Love is intentional. Love is quiet.
This quieter Voice is calling us to stop -- stop worrying and planning for tomorrow as a way of distraction and procrastination -- and listen to what He has to say to us today.
This Voice is kinder. More loving than all the voices that push us, rush us, and criticize us. This Voice wants to provide just what we need this very moment. And calls us to trust Him beyond what we can't see ahead. This is hard. Because we are used to providing for ourselves.
It's how we've been conditioned to do in this world. Being busy instead of beloved. But, even among our doubts, a Gentle Voice continues whispering --
You were made for more.
Dare to be my beloved. Today.
A Window to the Soul
This Voice is Jesus. Jesus calls us to choose the quiet -- where we can stop long enough to hear His whispers of love for you. And me. Like a window that opens to the soul, quiet is our invitation to God. To welcome Him into our today.
In moments of quiet, we realize how much --
we need to rest and feel God's touch. today.
we miss the voice of a good friend we've wanted to call for a while. today.
we may need to let go of something big . . . so we say yes to something small but good for our soul. today.
We may we need to forgive ourselves and begin anew again. today.
In moments of quiet, Jesus whispers --
You don't have to be strong. You can be loved.
You don't have to know the way ahead. I do.
Hold onto Me. I'm holding onto you.
Tomorrow will come and I will be there with you.
I will quiet you by my love.
Like manna falling from My heart into your hands,
My words will always find its way in you. Today.
Choose Instead
So choose the quiet. When you come to a fork in the road in the day -- between choosing the quiet or filling it up, by performing, pleasing, or disappearing -- stop.
Choose what’s harder, but more soul filling. Enjoy something no one would be able to point at it and say, “Look. She did something.”
Choose instead to be loved. Let God love you. Choose the quiet.
Stop and Pause
Lent began last week. I'm inviting friends to listen for God's whispers on Wednesdays, as we journey to Easter -- and enjoy One Word Coffee together. Would you like to join us? In the quiet, we'll share the words God places on our hearts. Week by week. It's a practice we can do together. Because we were never meant to journey alone.
Stop and pause right now. Dare to let God's One Word fall on your heart, quiet like sweet rain.
Be the Beloved. Listen as He whispers -- I love you.
"The Lord your God is in your midst. He will take great delight in you; He will quiet you by his love." {Zephaniah 3:17}
What words of love is God whispering to you today? How can you choose the quiet today?
As quiet as the sun rising in the dawn, its soft light slowly casting its warmth into the room, let the whispers in today’s Scripture make its way in you now.