Originally published Monday, 07 December 2015.
When I was little, I loved looking at the rain.
I'd watch the raindrops scoot their way down the side car window as I leaned in close, my breath warming the glass pane. If it was raining hard, I'd see the raindrops race each other down, and I'd trace their path with my finger to see who would win.
I liked sitting in the backseat. It was my quiet little corner in the big wide world. And I was happy. Sometimes, if Mom was driving us back home at night, I'd look out to try and find the moon. We lived in the city, so the moon was the best of what was left of nature's skyline. There was too much city light pollution. We couldn't see the stars.
But, back home, I'd look outside my bedroom curtains. And sometimes, if it was very, very late and I wasn't asleep, I might find one or two stars. Twinkling.
Longing for Hope
Life is a journey. Sometimes night isn't something we see with our eyes, but something we experience in our hearts when we wait too long . . . for something we hope for. A dream. A passion, a child, or a home.
Sometimes, we find our footsteps on an unexpected journey of silence . . . when we've prayed and prayed . . . for someone we hope would be our friend. Our sister, mother, our father, or husband.
It is times like this, we may find it difficult to find hope alive, lit and new. Even thoughlike the moon and the stars we know God placed above us in the heavens sometimes, we just can't see it.
Jesus knows this longing for hope to be made new. Jesus understands this journey to find the light and our need for courage to move towards this light. This light is hope.
A New Journey
It was with hope God sparked a special star one dark night. It was so bright that men from the opposite ends of the world the East could see it. Yet, this light was also placed somewhere no one else would notice it. Except by the wise men the magi.
The star was a quiet, glimmering sparkle. Is this real? Should I go? I imagine the magi asking.
These are questions we may be asking ourselves.
This light kept shining. Inviting them to follow. This star this light invited them to go on a new journey. Away from life as they knew it. How about you?
Has God put a light on your journey this Christmas. Hope?
Dreams Not Forgotten
Even though we may have given up hope in ways no one else would know about, God knows. God sees. God has kept everything we've waited for -- in our prayers and maybe even dreams we let slip through our fingers.
God has not forgotten. God has heard your prayers.
God has heard your voice. Calling out to Him in the night.
Not one of us is left out of this invitation to hope.
Every year, we are called to make this journey to find Christmas reborn in us once more.
Advent Whispers to You
Hear God whisper lovingly to you
I remember . . . .you've been waiting . . .
for love, kindness, provision,
for healing. emotional. physical.
I remember . . . you've been praying . . .
for circumstances to change,
for a reversal of chaos of this world,
because things are not the way they're supposed to be.
I remember . . . you.
Despite the way things appear, God is not silent in the silence.
Look. Listen. Let Me love you.
I am your Light. I am your hope. I will carry you.
Though the journey is paved with sunrises and sunsets, dusk and dawning, trials and long days, God is faithful.
Hope. It's part of our Advent journey.
"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure . . . which Jesus has entered for us." {Hebrews 6:1920}
How is God calling you on a new journey of hope this Christmas taking shape in your heart where you carry silent prayers?
Take some time this week to experience Advent with Jesus.
- Pour out your heart to Him from pen to paper. Journal. Write a letter to Him.
- Light a candle and simply let God whisper to you in the silence.
- Sit and listen to your favorite Christmas carol after the house is quiet, and let that song be a prayer.
- Pause right now and pray. Give yourself permission to note where you are in your story this year entering into Christmas. May your desires, sorrows, or hopes become your unspoken prayer right now with Jesus.
"Now the magi from the east arrived saying, 'We saw His star in the east and have come'. . . and the star went on before them until it came and stood over the place where the Child was." {Matthew 2:1,9,10}
Let go of the busyness and stress of the holiday season and open your heart and mind to peace by experiencing the joy of Jesus' birth as you use 12 Advent Prayers! Finding quiet time during the holidays will help you reflect on the reason for Christmas and preparing our hearts to celebrate Christ's birth. Let us know in the comments how you are preparing your heart!