The Water Riples and Wrinkles Time

Originally published Tuesday, 29 January 2013.

I had not been there in years.

The creek at my father's birthplace.

A few miles from the house that he and my mother now call home... yet really a world away.

Standing on the slippery, wet rocks took me back to elementary years when trips were more frequent and apprehensions of falling in ran a bit higher. These thoughts of long ago that only encompassed myself and held no room for the two that we now call our own.

The water ripples and wrinkles time and this home is temporary.


A few decades back would have found my father and his family here playing and bathing in this same creek; full of water to the brim. Yet now it finds him the grandfather of four.

Present. The present is all that we really have and it is ever fleeting. Yet we choose to run ahead to grayer hair and "the day when," although I dare say that day will not find me all "caught up" and content unless I choose to abide in this day.

The water is rippling and wrinkling time...this home is temporary. Today, shall we pursue the gift of the present?

 So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. ~Psalm 90:12