How to Allow God to be Your Confidence

Originally published Monday, 06 November 2017.

I believe as women we have lost the true meaning of confidence. We have so many things to cover up our fears and insecurities such as makeup, hair extensions, body shapers, and Instagram filters. Think about it; we can literally change the structure of our faces, shape of our eyes, and clear our complexion with the touch of one button.

Now, these things aren't bad but they become a problem when we use them as a crutch to only feel confident instead of developing the necessary skills to actually be confident.

In today's video I'm sharing my conference talk "Queens: Developing a Confidence that Reigns" where we take a close look at Queen Esther and learn 3 Important qualities of a truly confident woman. Enjoy!


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being an unchanging and sure source of confidence for me. I pray for the boldness to be the truly confident woman You are calling me to be. In Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.


Which of the 3 qualities of a truly confident woman do you find yourself struggling with the most?


[bctt tweet="It's time we move from simply feeling confident to actually being confident." via="no"]


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