Synonym for Dreamer: Realist.

Originally published Monday, 25 March 2013.


For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a dreamer.

Actually, if I really think long and hard about it, I don’t think I’ve ever been one to believe that what I see is exactly what the situation will be or that another solution is not possible.

When it comes to thinking about my future, my mind starts to go crazy and I get super excited!

Now, if my life were to be written out and exposed for everyone to see, including all the variables taken into account, where I am right now and where I am hoping to be, people would probably submit me to the looney bin.

I’m very serious.

I think they would officially think I’ve gone off my rocker.

But the thing about the future is, it is uncertain.

As far as where we might live, what we might be doing or how many kids we might have, those are factors we simply do not know yet.

However, I do know who controls my future.

His name is God.

He created the Heavens and the earth. He made each human being with a different fingerprint so that they may have a unique impression that only they can give on this world. He is sovereign.

So because He is who He is, I can be a dreamer and still be considered a realist.

Get where I am going with this?

I don’t mean living in fairytale land, avoiding reality and assuming that if I don’t pay my rent, the King of Kings will park himself outside of my leasing office and turn a check in Himself (that’s still on my prayer list).

I simply mean that if we were to only hope for the circumstances in which we already know exist  or if we let the limitations of this world determine our expectations in this life, well, what kind of faith is that?

Faith is a knowing that there is more than what meets the eye.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” –Hebrews 11:1

Assurance, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is defined as confidence or certainty in one’s own abilities.

In other words, because we have faith in a God much bigger than anything in this world, we are confident in our abilities, WITH JESUS, that exceed the expectations of this world.

So, maybe it should be that a “dreamer” is actually a “realist”… How ya feel about that?

A field is not dirt, grass and dead weeds.

A field is a soon-to-be farm with fresh crops and sewn seeds.

Faith allows us to see a field for its’ potential, not its’ current state.

An unemployed single father is not a failure.

He is a soon-to-be employee who will provide for his kids because God provided for him.

 Because God said “It is finished”, we enter circumstances and situations with a vision in mind. A vision that pictures His favor and His blessing when we practice His obedience.

We do not see the dirt and the floorplan of the house, we see the finished product and we claim such because we are dreamers.

AKA realists.

AKA Christ-followers.

What kind of faith would require us to visualize a house when it is almost completed? Not much faith at all.

But when it is in ruins? Yes- THEN we must still believe in the things unseen.

Webster probably won’t back me on this one, but I would venture to say that a synonym for a dreamer is actually a realist. 

Because God is real, it makes more sense to believe in His greatness and our dreams than to put faith in what we see.

Think about it