Originally published Monday, 03 May 2021.
Photo Credit: Canva
I want to start off by asking you a few quick questions. How is your walk with God? Are you close to Him right now or do you feel like you are drifting a bit? Do you want to dive deeper into your relationship and knowledge of God? Would you like to learn more about Scripture and how to grow in your calling? If so, let’s talk about how to dive deeper in God in this season and beyond (and I'm giving you a FREE access pass to the DIVE Conference that happened earlier last month - get pass below).
Now, I know what it’s like to hunger and thirst for more of God. Lately, I’ve been very busy doing all-the-things, but I have to say that my quiet time with God has been quick moments in the Word and then suddenly having to dash off to check emails, post and respond to social media posts, meetings, and taking care of the needs of my husband, children, home, business, and ministry responsibilities for my local church.
While all of these things are a part of life, I still long to dive deeper in reading the Bible unhurried. I desire to dive deeper in reading the books on my shelves that will help me go deeper in the knowledge of God, but also grow spiritually, personally, and vocationally.
I also want to pray without having to get sidetracked, thinking about adding one more thing to my list of things to do before I forget it. I want to put on some worship music loud when no one is home and dance like David danced. And I want to have time to watch movies and video teachings that feed my soul.
As I write this, I’m reminded and feel just like King David when he was in the wilderness of Judah. Psalm 63:1 says, “O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you!”
This is how I feel, but what about you? If you could dive deeper in your personal walk with God this week, how deep would you like to go? Think about it for a moment and maybe journal it or write it down on a piece of paper. You might even want to talk it out into a voice recorder (sort of like an audio journal). I have to say, lately, I’ve been recording mine because I haven’t had a lot of time to sit down quietly to write it out. But the voice recorder works!
After you’ve thought about it, written it down, or spoken it, act upon it. Begin making the changes necessary to dive deeper in God and grow spiritually and your calling. Implement new systems to draw closer to God if you have to, especially if you feel yourself beginning to drift or fall away. Hebrews 2:1 urges, “Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away.” I tend to say, “Watch the drift. Find your way back to the shore.”
This week, I want to encourage you to dive deeper into the Word of God, prayer, worship, and being still before the Lord for knowledge, provision, wisdom, and peace. And I'll do the same. I also want to encourage you to pay closer attention to your walk and relationship with God, while staying close to the Vine as Jesus instructs. Truth is, the Lord longs to spend time with us. So let’s continue to long to spend time with Him. I think this is a good verse to close out on found in Psalm 143:6, “I stretch out my hands to You; my soul longs for You, as a parched land. Selah.” Dive deep, Sister.
Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out! ~Courtnaye
Question: Again, if you could go deeper in God this week, what would that look like for you?
If you missed the DIVE Conference, it’s okay. I’ve opened it up for a FREE week for viewing for you! That’s right, Sis. For One Week Only. So if you’re interested in getting access to the whole virtual conference (11 speakers with 12 life-changing messages), then go to www.diveconference.com, scroll to the bottom to FREE ACCESS and use the codes for Day 1: dive444 and Day 2: deep444. I pray that you’ll take advantage of it! Also, if you could give a testimonial after you experience the conference, that would be great as well! Thanks Sis! It's time to DIVE in deeper in God!
Also, discover more resources from my ministry and find out more information about upcoming events and booking for your next conference or event by visiting www.courtnayerichard.com. Let's connect and let me know how this post ministered to you today!
*Grab my NEW book today! Visit www.courtnayerichard.com or Amazon to order! Thanks!
Courtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in their walk with Christ from the heart and equips them to fulfill their God-given purpose. She is also the author of the book, IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ and Moving Forward in Your Purpose. Courtnaye is married with three beautiful children and is a contributing writer for ibelieve.com, Women’s Ministry Tools, speaker of a host of women’s conferences, and her blog reaches thousands of women across the globe. She resides in the beautiful Texas Hill Country (outside of Austin, Texas).
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