Originally published Monday, 20 June 2022.
(Photo Credit: 123rf Photos)
Wherever you are when you read this post, I know and trust God that it will be timely for you. Whether it’s Monday or Wednesday (or later), it’s still a fresh week for you to draw closer to the Lord, serve, and tackle the tasks of each new day. But as you’re preparing to get things done, I want to encourage you with these words, “Don’t waste your week.”
No doubt, as women we are called to do a lot of things. And I know it seems like everything is important and a high priority, but I can assure you that everything is not. And I know it seems like there’s so much to do and you feel like how in the world am I going to get it all done? And I can assure you that you don’t have to get it all done in a day. You have a week, Sis! For a brief moment I want to share with you a few helpful tips on how not to waste your week. Ready?
Start the day with prayer – Yep! Once you get out of bed or even while you’re lying there, begin talking to God. When I get up in the morning, He is typically the first Person that I talk to. Remember, it’s about a relationship with Him. So talk to Him. Ask Him to lead you in every aspect of your day and consult Him on how to plan out your week. He is faithful to guide you with every step. Proverbs 16:9 tells us, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” So ask Him. ;-)
Don’t think or talk the week away – How many times have you sat down with your coffee, tea, or water at the top of your day and just thought about what you need to do or would like to do – only to find yourself getting none of those thoughts placed into action? Better yet, how many times have you strategized with someone and then got alone with your blank screen or sheet of paper and did absolutely nothing? Been there? I have definitely been there! If we want to see progress, change in our lives and the people we serve, we have to take action. Proverbs 14:23 tells us, “All hard work brings profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Let’s not just think or talk about it all. Instead, let’s get after them!
Don’t be slothful – Do you ever feel unmotivated or plain old lazy at times? If so, you’re not alone. I have been there countless times. But I LOVE how the Word of God jolts me right back into getting things done. One verse that helps me get moving whenever I feel slothful is found in Proverbs 20:4, “Those too lazy in the right season will have no food at the harvest.” Yikes! We have got to move in the right season so that we’ll be ready for the harvest and enjoy the fruit of our labor. But while you're at it, also know when to pause and rest when you don’t feel motivated. It's totally okay to live in that sweet balance.
Focus on 3-5 high priorities – Remember everything is not a priority. Consider your top 3-5 priorities this week (or at the top of the next week) and lay out a plan to get them done. I like to list my priorities as HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, and HP5. Once they are listed, I go after them one by one until they are all checked off for the day. This is a great way to have a productive day and week! Proverbs 21:5 says, “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity.” List them out, Sis!
What is ONE goal that you can tackle this week? Just one BIG goal. Write it down in your journal or on a sticky note and do everything you can to reach it. Pray, ponder, plan, and focus on being productive. Again, don’t waste your week. Spend time with Jesus as Mary did, but then get things done like Martha! ;-)
Remember that Jesus Christ is coming back soon. And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So, let’s be ready from the Inside Out!
Hey Sis! Before I get out of here, I want to invite you to a summit that's called Who Are You Answering To? I'll be speaking on, “How to Be More Like Mary in a Martha World.” It’s FREE to attend. Kristin Engen is the event host and she has such a sweet passion for helping working women grow in Christ as we get all of the things done. And I don't want YOU to miss it! The summit starts Tuesday, June 21st and you get 21 speakers for 21 days.
Here is a sneak peek of what the summit will look like. You will learn:
- Tools to help understand how God is for you and will guide your Career
- Healthier ways to process stress and anxiety so you can sleep at night
- How to walk out your days in the office with grace and peace
- How to become even more impactful in your Career
- And more
WOW right! So don’t miss this time of encouragement and equipping from Christian women all around the globeSignup TODAY here!
Click here to see the full list of Inside Out with Courtnaye episodes!