How to Deal with Difficult People

Originally published Monday, 05 September 2016.

Have you ever dealt with difficult people in your life before? You know, the ones that you just want to pull your hair out over! Think about that for a moment. I would imagine that you probably didn’t have to go that deep in thought. Now let me ask you this question. Can you think of a few people in your life currently, that may be a little difficult to deal with right now?

If so, I’ve been there before, too! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve discovered that once you overcome one, here comes another. It’s like they are assigned to you! LOL! Nevertheless, I know that God is at work here, and I’m sure He’s at work in you too (and He will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ). With that being said, I believe that one of the sheer reasons God allows this continual process of being around difficult people, is so that we can truly learn how to “love” individuals the way Christ loves us.

When I began working on this post, I kept hearing the word, “love.” Now, some of you may be thinking, “What? That’s it. That’s all you’ve got Courtnaye?!” And I would answer a wholehearted, “Yes.” Romans 13:8 states, “Owe no man anything, but to love one another…” It may seem simple, but if you’ve ever overcome to some extent in this area, you’ll agree that loving a difficult person is anything but easy - especially when you’re met with opposition.

Before we go any further, let’s take the love test. This is a good way to tell if you’re around a difficult person. Here we go! Do you cringe when that individual comes around? Do you feel like you’re walking on eggshells with him or her? Does that person say negative things when you’re trying to be positive? Let me ask another question…please. How have you dealt with that difficult person in the past or recently?

Did you lash out, give him or her piece of your mind, or respond improperly in some way? If you did, and if you haven’t asked the Lord for forgiveness already, take a moment to do so right now. Get free. Because God is calling you to love…no matter how difficult the individual or individuals may be, He’s making you more mature in your love walk.  

Trust me. I know this is not easy. Remember, I’ve been there before countless times. But here’s the key. Here’s the how-to-part. When you’re face-to-face with a difficult person in your life, love them with a friendly greeting, give a hug, smile, be cordial, and pray for him or her and yourself in the process. This is not being fake. Instead, it’s being a Christian.

Also, choose to respond properly. Choose to keep loving them in spite of the difficulty. And choose to go out of your way to make things right, it at all possible. The Bible says in Romans 12:17-18, “Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” The King James Version actually says, “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” So you see here, sometimes difficult people won’t receive your acts of love, peace, and reconciliation. Yet, your job is to do what the word says and live righteously, even if that person does not want to receive it.   

Listen. I have to tell you, sis. We will experience difficult people in our lives. It’s inevitable and hard. And whether they are new friends, co-workers, church members, bosses, family, or people in our community, we will encounter them. But again, it’s really not about whether we encounter them; rather it’s about how we handle each encounter. Again, the keys are love, peace, and having the proper response. The Holy Spirit will also show you fresh ways along the way to show you even more how to deal with those individuals specifically. Just be sensitive and open for His direction and then follow his lead.

I’ll leave you with this familiar, but life-changing passage of Scripture found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 which says, “Love is patient, and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” This is how to deal with difficult people.     

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!


QUESTION: Are you dealing with a difficult person right now? Need prayer? If so, you can email me directly @ and we can stand together in prayer.

ALSO, my new book is OUT!!! YAY!!! It’s entitled, “IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ & Moving Forward in Your Purpose!” GRAB IT TODAY!!! You can order it from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or download it on your Kindle. Here’s the link and I would also LOVE it if you can give me a REVIEW on about it after you’ve read it. That would help not only more women to take notice of the book, but also bump me to becoming a Best Seller in my industry! So I would greatly appreciate if you would consider doing that for me. Thanks for reading my blog today! Here’s the link to order your copy of IDENTIFIED…

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