Overcoming Fear: Becoming a Courageous Woman

Originally published Monday, 05 May 2014.


Do you battle with fear? Or do you know someone who does? If so, then I pray that this message today will help bring deliverance in this area in your life, or the one you’re sending this to. I want to start by saying that fear is a real feeling or emotion. Don’t let anybody fool you or lie to you and tell you that it’s not! Because in the natural sense, it actually means “to take flight”, be scared, to dread, or to be terrified. And in the spiritual sense, it means a lack of faith, trust, doubt, and it also brings torment. The spiritual sense is exactly why God wants us to overcome it. Fear stagnates! And the devil knows this. We cannot move forward into what God has for our lives if we don’t overcome our fears. It’s time to become that courageous woman that God has predestined you to be.

The Bible tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). We are more powerful than ever when we operate in faith vs. fear. We can accomplish much when we plow forward courageously, believing God over what the enemy or negative people say, or what our circumstances show us. Secondly, God has given us a spirit of love. If we love others, then we will go through hard things for them or with them. Jesus suffered and went through a very hard thing at Calvary for us, when He bled and died on the cross. And when we go through hard times or scary situations, He is with us. Amen! Thirdly, God gave us a sound mind. He has given us His peace. In the past, this part of the Scripture has really helped me to settle my mind, and meditate on God’s Word when fear has tried to grip me. It’s actually very comforting & freeing!

There are all sorts of fear like the fear of being alone, being cheated on, lack, losing a child or loved one, being sick, dying, flying, tackling a new assignment or job opportunity. The list could literally go on and on. But you know where you are, and so does God. The key is that once you recognize where you are with it, that’s when you need to begin working on overcoming it. And it takes practice. I’ve come to learn that overcoming fear is not a one-time occurrence. Instead it’s a step by step, moment by moment process. The reason being is because life comes at you in various forms. One day you wake up and everything’s fine, but the next day, you could have something hit you so hard that it literally floors you. Yet all of these things need to be surrendered to God, while He delivers you one by one.

I just recently experienced some fearful challenges when I entered an extreme race with my husband and friends. It was a 10 mile race with 21 obstacles full of mud (some of you reading this may know which race I’m talking about). First of all, I’m not a runner, but I entered to support my hubby and to experience something that I’d never done before in my life. I’d always wanted to go on the show Fear Factor (my brother-in-law actually did it and won the $150,000…no lie. Praise God!). But anyhoo, this was the closest that I was going to get to the show. Ha! Nonetheless, there was an obstacle called “Walking the Plank” (where you jump from this high plank into 12 feet of muddy water). This was the stunt that I was sooooooo afraid of doing. HOWEVER, with much prayer and encouragement, I mustered up enough courage to do it. And guess what? It wasn’t that bad! Do you see?

Fear torments. Faith triumphs! Now, I will admit that I came along another obstacle that was shockingly tougher for me than the plank, but I tried. The point here is to NOT allow fear to stop you from doing anything. It’s all about trusting God. When we have a new task, trust God. When we have to deal with unexpected hard trials, trust God. When we need things, but don’t have the means or the resources yet, trust God. It’s all about trusting God.

Before I close this post, I want to share this upcoming Scripture with you that I pray will help you as you become the courageous woman that God has called you to be. Isaiah 43:2-3, “When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” (NLT) Hold onto this! Love you sis! Be strong and courageous! (Joshua 1:9).

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!


*Thanks for reading! I hope and pray that you’ve been enlightened from this post. Feel absolutely free to leave a comment or for questions you can email me directly at insideoutwithcourtnaye@gmail.com, and I will respond promptly. Also, tune in every Monday at 7:30am for new posts! Don’t forget to “Like” my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/InsideOutWCourtnaye) and share this blog with friends, family, co-workers, or your women’s group or ministry. I’d love to stay connected and help more women grow in the Lord! Thanks again and may God be with you!