Pour Out Your Heart to God

Originally published Monday, 16 February 2015.


There’s really no other way to put this…we have to have an authentic relationship with God today. What I mean by this is that we have to surpass the action of just “going to church” and press into a more meaningful and deeper relationship with the Lord personally. And I’m not talking about getting up and saying your prayers at night and in the morning and going about your day. Yet, a rich conversation that takes place throughout your everyday life. This means really talking to Him…about anything and everything, and whenever possible; especially the times when it requires you to be completely empty and honest before Him…a time when you can actually pour your heart out to God.

I remember when my husband and I first got together we would have what we called, “honesty talks”. It was a moment where everything stopped in our world and we would settle down to share our hearts with one another. And when I say, “Everything”, I mean absolutely everything. When we had these talks it was so refreshing, because there was nothing to hide, no secrets, and no unwelcomed surprises. Our relationship was built on God, trust, and open communication. It was the beginning of something beautiful! Every now and then, we still have those chats…just to keep everything in the clear. And I believe that’s the way it should be with the Lord – no secrets between us.

God knows everything about us (actually every hair on our head), but especially our hearts. People who know us may see or experience us in one capacity, but the Lord really knows us from the inside out. First Samuel 16:7 says, “…People look at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.” Another version (NLT) says, “But the Lord looks at a person’s thoughts and intentions.” Wow! That’s even clearer. This Scripture reference was specifically speaking of when the Lord was in the process of choosing a new king for Israel (which was David). God knew exactly where David was with Him. He knew his heart. And because of that, He was chosen to be king!

I believe God has great things in store for us as well, but if we are dishonest, withholding the truth, and thinking that He doesn’t see the hidden things buried within us (like unforgiveness, envy, resentment, jealousy, bitterness, hatred, backbiting, adulterous thoughts or even actions, gossip, slander, and the list could literally go on), the truth is that we would only be deceiving ourselves. In fact, we’re only pushing ourselves further away from the promises of god and for His perfect will in our lives. That’s why I like to keep all lines of communication open between us. The Bible says, “Sin separates us from God.” (Isaiah 59:2)

Whenever I sense that there’s a bit of a disconnect with me and the Lord, I have to do a heart check! What that means is that I go in prayer, through the name of Jesus, and talk to God about where I am. And I pour out my heart before Him. Sometimes, He shows me things in this time that I didn’t even know were there that displeased Him. At that moment, I acknowledge it, confess it openly (“That’s me, Lord,”), repent, ask for His forgiveness, and we’re back in good standing! Repentance is the key here, which means that I have to truly turn away from that particular sin or whatever displeased Him. And sure, we talk about the good things too! We talk about it all. This is a relationship. Some have this, but there are soooo many who do not. And that’s why I’m driving this point home today.

Talk to Him…daily and continually.

Listen. I don’t know where you are in your relationship with the Lord right now, because it’s personal. And it should be. However, my angle is to encourage you to continually pour out your heart to God. No matter if you're going through something now or later. He wants you and me to talk to Him consistently. And He desires that we have pure and clean hearts as we walk out this Christian life. Psalm 24: 3-6, “Who may climb the mountain of the Lord (who shall go to heaven hereafter)? Who may stand in his holy place? Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols (who do not love anything else more than God) and never tell lies. They will receive the Lord’s blessing and have right standing with God their savior. They alone may enter God’s presence and worship the God of Israel.” (NLT-explanation implemented)

It’s so vital that you talk to God. Let Him know where you are, and don’t put anything else before Him. Furthermore, keep yourself pure and your heart clean. My themed Scripture for Inside Out with Courtnaye is Psalm 51:10 which says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” This verse helps me to live a pure and clean life that pleases the Lord. And it will do the same thing for you if you apply it.

*So pour out your heart to Him. If you do this, you will not only experience freedom and peace, but you will also be more effective for His Kingdom. Now what are you waiting for…talk to your Father. He’s waiting to hear from you.

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!


P.S. Join me for my next call on “Let’s Talk” where I’ll be talking about “Becoming a Woman that God Can Use.” You don’t want to miss this talk on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 @ 8:30pm (CST)! (Call # 567-704-2763, Code: 12345#). I’ll be talking more about the tools you’ll need to do what God has called you to do! More details to come on www.insideoutwithcourtnaye.org! SAVE THE DATE!!!       

*Thanks for reading! I hope and pray that you’ve been enlightened from this post. Feel absolutely free to leave a comment or for questions you can email me directly at insideoutwithcourtnaye@gmail.com, and I will respond promptly. Also, if this post and ministry has blessed your life, please consider making a donation of any amount today to help further the gospel here @ http://www.insideoutwithcourtnaye.org/.

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