Originally published Monday, 03 January 2022.
Photo Credit: Canva
As we go about life, along the way, we have dreams, hopes, visions, and things that we believe God is calling us to do. We sit back and think, ponder, and envision what life could be like if we began walking in what we’ve dreamed, hoped for, seen, or believed. It’s fun and tough to imagine at the same time, especially if they haven’t happened yet. Today, I am praying and believing God that whoever sets their eyes upon this post that The Best is Yet to Come.
Yep! I am praying and believing that for you and for me. I don’t believe it’s by chance that you either clicked onto this post, opened it up from an email, or seen it on social media. I believe God has you on His heart and mind, and He wants you to know that He knows exactly where you are and what you’ve been praying for. He also knows what’s best for you and the perfect timing for all things to be revealed.
And listen, Sis. Even if you don’t get what you think you wanted, guess what? God will do what is truly best for you. Don’t forget, the best is yet to come, which means that something great is still on the horizon! With that being said, let’s talk briefly about what this encouraging phrase means and where it originated from.
It’s actually from a British poet named Robert Browning (1812-1889). The quote “The best is yet to come” was a line from one of his poems. And it’s amazing that in the same poem there is a line that reads, “Trust God.” This amazed me when I saw it, because “Trust God” is actually my phrase (instead of a word) for this year! Every year, most people pick a word or phrase to live by. What’s yours?
As you think about it, let’s move along.
It’s also good to see what it means by definition. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, the phrase is defined as good things have happened, but even better things will happen in the future. In other words, life is good now, but the best is yet to come. Isn’t that encouraging?
In addition, www.idioms.com further defines it as whatever is happening now will be surpassed by something better in the future. It also goes on to say, “The best things have not come, but it will.” This phrase in a nutshell means things are good now, but the future will be even better! I love it!
For me personally, this phrase resonated with me the moment I first saw it. It has kept me hopeful. Dreaming. Praying. And trusting in the One (God) who brings forth the best for His children.
So, what are you waiting on God to do in your life? If you’re married, what are you hopeful for? If you’re a mother, what are you praying for regarding your child or children? If you’re single, what have you been dreaming about? If you’re simply a woman who is waiting on the Lord to do something amazing related to your profession or purpose (like me), then keep trusting Him to move in the best way (also, listen to this song (after) you finish reading this post. ;-) It’s by Maverick City Worship entitled, “Wait on You”).
Again, the phrase, “The Best is Yet to Come” is an encouraging one. And it’s one that is shared on social media, wall-art, coffee mugs, journal covers, devotions, you name it. I think it’s just a little creative reminder that God is still at work behind the scenes preparing His best for us while we wait.
Just like heaven.
Jesus said in John 14:2, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” First Corinthians 2:9 also states, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” These are beautiful promises and glimpses of what is yet to come.
It is coming to all of those who love God and have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Have you done this yet? If not, I pray that you will. And if you have already, awesome!
Remember, the best is yet to come!
“I am counting on the Lord;
yes, I am counting on him. I have
put my hope in his word.”
~Psalm 130:5
Also, remember that Jesus Christ is coming back soon. And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So, let’s be ready from the Inside Out!
Question: Are you waiting on God for something this year? Let me know via email.
***WATCH SHORT VIDEO on "The Best is Yet to Come" here.
Also, if you need prayer, you can email me directly and I will pray for you at insideoutwithcourtnaye@gmail.com.
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Courtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in their walk with Christ from the heart and equips them to fulfill their God-given purpose. She is also the author of the book, IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ and Moving Forward in Your Purpose. Courtnaye is married with three beautiful children and is a contributing writer for ibelieve.com, Women’s Ministry Tools, speaker of a host of women’s conferences, and her blog reaches thousands of women across the globe. She resides in the beautiful Texas Hill Country (outside of Austin, Texas).
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