Walking Closely with the Holy One in the Midst of a Holy Week

Originally published Monday, 30 March 2015.


Childrens choirs sing, palm branches adorn sanctuaries, bunnies line shelves, families dye eggs and gather around tables.  Easter is like a breath of fresh air after a long winter, reminding us all that He makes all things new.  

Just a short season after we have sung songs with the theme, “God is with us,” we focus our hearts on a new theme, “Jesus paid it all.”  And then there is this week: Holy Week.

If we aren’t careful, it will pass us by without any focus on what is Holy.  Don’t get me wrong.  Around here, we have been painting cookies with brightly colored icing to look like Easter eggs, rabbits, and spring flowers.  The oldest one makes a cross cookie and wants to save it for next Sunday: Easter Sunday, the day where He will be baptized in the presence of his church, family, and friends.  He will show his little world that He has decided to follow Jesus.  He gets it.  {Thank you, Jesus!} He knows the truth: his Savior has set him free from the wages of sin.  

Maybe this Easter means more to me than any other before because my own child is choosing to walk in new life with Jesus.  Sin has no power over us…because of Jesus.  His Daddy Wil have the honor of baptizing him next week and he will say it, “Buried with Him in death, but risen to walk in new life with Christ.” 

How can our hearts ponder his grace this week?  How can we walk closely during Holy Week with the One who is truly Holy and worthy of all praise?  Will we find time to rest in His goodness?  To reflect on His unfailing mercy and the truth we find in Holy Week?

Will we prepare our hearts to fully rejoice in His resurrection because we have pondered His sacrifice on the cross?

Beneath steeples, doors will open for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services.  Congregations and families will join in prayer together.  Choirs will sing it with great conviction, 

“Jesus paid it all.  All to Him I owe.”

This is the week that we will focus our whole hearts on God’s love that set us free and breaks all chains.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everylasting life. ~John 3:16

May our hearts prepare Him room this Holy Week and always.

Reflecting on His love for us,                   ~Courtney

Photo Credit: ©Getty