My Mind's On Jesus

Originally published Monday, 27 July 2015.

What I mean by that is…

…when Jesus was going about His day in public, did He ever miss an opportunity to minister?

Was He so caught up in the cares of His day that He passed people by who were hopeless?

Did He keep quiet of the life that He could bring to them because He had errands to run?

Did He ever think to Himself on His way to teach- “I just need to grab a bite to eat. I don’t have time for chit-chat” ?

Was He ever so focused on a task or mission that He walked passed people who were in need of a touch from Him?

According to John:

Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written. (John 21:25 NLT)

Since that is the case, I am certain Jesus’ main goal, every single moment of every single day, was to reach as many people as He possibly could for the Kingdom of God.

Are we too busy for God to use us?CLICK TO TWEET

Before I became a stay-at-home momma, I worked for a world-wide ministry.

Before I worked for a world-wide ministry, I worked in a small medical office for four and a half years.

That job was difficult for me because I came into contact with a lot of hurting people.

And as we all know, “hurt people hurt people.”

There were many days that I would drive home crying and collapse on my bed because of the exhausting day of being a human punching bag.

I constantly asked the Lord to get me out of there, but He had other plans for me. I longed for the day when I would be used in ministry, but what God was trying to get me to understand was that my ministry was right in front of me!

Every single patient who walked into our office was an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with. Once my eyes were opened to that truth, my experience in that office changed. I would pray every single morning that God would bring someone across my path who I could pray for or share hope with.

And guess what?

God ALWAYS provided! I was given countless opportunities to pray for people over the phone, lay hands on the sick, and even pray for a blind woman’s eyes to be strengthened. I received such a boldness to step out in faith and truly walk out my life like Jesus commanded us all to do.

And then my season there ended, and the Lord fulfilled a dream of mine to work for Joyce Meyer Ministries. I no longer was surrounded by lost people, in regards to those who don’t profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. All of my coworkers were professing Christians because that was a requirement to work there.

I struggled with how God wanted to use me there, but realized that all people are important to God, not just lost people.

I would pray with coworkers when the Lord lead me to to, and as I went through a very traumatic time there, my coworkers saw how I did not allow my circumstances to shake my faith. I learned thateveryone needs the hope Jesus brings.

We all can draw closer to God- some of us are just further away than others.CLICK TO TWEET

I have been gone from JMM for almost a year since having Isaiah and have been struggling to find the boldness to pray for people who I meet on a daily basis- which doesn’t happen too often nowadays as stay-at-home mom who babysits 3-4 days a week.

There was just something so powerful that I would experience when I prayed for someone I did not know. And I know that Jesus is calling me to step out and believe Him to use me in that way again.

I know that the enemy doesn’t want us to share the hope of Jesus with the world and will try all that he can to get us distracted, in a hurry, or timid. We must push past all of that, get over ourselves and our troubles and insecurities, and trust that God wants to use our mouths to share His love and truth with all that we come in contact with.

Ministering and witnessing to others should become one of the most exciting parts of our day!CLICK TO TWEET

I want to always have Jesus on my mind so that wherever I go, all I want to do is tell others about Him.

Not just when I feel like it, but every time I step foot outside of my door!

I want to be “on,” and red hot for God, just like Jesus was when He walked the streets. He has commissioned us to go, so we need to step out in faith and believe He will help us through the power of the Holy Spirit to be His hands and feet wherever He sends us!

Lord, give me the boldness to step out and tell others about you. Help me to have a listening ear to hear Your voice when You need me to pray for someone at any moment. I know that the light of the world lives on the inside of me and I don’t want to hide that light any longer! Let me shine bright for you, Jesus! Amen.

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