Originally published Wednesday, 06 May 2020.
In this interview with Lauren and Becca of Tulips & Honey, we share more about our salvation testimonies- Paul heard the gospel for the first time when he was around 6 or 7 years old and Emily first heard and believed the gospel when she was sixteen years old at a youth conference. We talk about how much our growth as believers was stunted for most of our lives because of lack of discipleship and false doctrine and how our theology changed over the years in our marriage and how we eventually found our way back to the pure gospel that we first believed when we were younger.
We also share encouragement and advice as to how you can talk to your pastor if you are concerned about the teaching and the ultimate dangers of false teaching in a believer’s life.
In addition to discussing the details of our story of working for Joyce Meyer Ministries and leaving our prosperity gospel church(s), we discuss in depth questions like:
- How can pastors/elders/congregations feed a starving believer who has been without discipleship?
- What should the sheep do once they realize they are not being fed Biblical doctrine?
- What would you say to a believer who finds themselves in a church that is compromising, and locking arms with false teachers?
- What was the theological issues that caused you to leave the Word of Faith movement and eventually leave JMM?
- What would you say to Joyce Meyer if you were able to sit down with her?
It was such a joy to be a part of this podcast episode with sisters Becca and Lauren and we are grateful for the opportunity to share our story and minister to others regarding the dangers and concerns of lack of discipleship and false teaching. We pray that this interview encourages those who have loved ones caught in deception and even helps open eyes of those who may have been led astray by the cunning traps of false teaching that is very prominent and popular in our world today because of mega-church ministries and television ministries.
May we continue to be diligent students of the Word so we are able to protect our minds from deception as well as be fully equipped to defend the faith and the truth found in Holy scripture.
You can connect with Emily and find more of her writing at www.emilyrosemassey.com and www.wewouldratherhavejesus.com.