Quiz: Which Unlikely Biblical Hero are You?

Originally published Thursday, 18 December 2014.

The Bible is full of underdogs, full of stories where God takes a nobody and transforms them into a great hero. Figure out your heroic counterpart by taking this week's featured quiz: Which Unlikely Biblical Hero Are You?

This informal online quiz compares your character qualities to those of six big heroes from the Old and New Testaments. Have you been selected for a job of great dignity, like Mary? Or are you more like Paul - a sinner whose life was turned upsidedown by God?

Be sure to leave your results - as well as whether you agree or disagree - in the comments below. And don't forget to share with friends! In the meantime, if you want to learn more about famous characters in the Old Testament, search their names on Bible Study Tools or check out Christianity.com's People of the Bible page and many other articles. Happy quizzing!


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