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How to pray for your children when they exasperate us

Originally published Sunday, 23 August 2015.



It's the hardest to pray for our children when they exasperate us, but I have found that is the best time to pray for their future.  We want a better life for them over what we have.  When we pray prophetically it brings a hope and future into their lives in ways that invites God to develop their gifts and talents.  What happens when we do pray in this matter is that we actually provide them by faith that God will gift them with something great.  And that God will use them for His greater purpose.  As parents we believe in the potential that only we can see in them, and they don't tend to see in themselves.

It's exciting to pray this over our children.  We often realize many things about who God is in those moments too.  A prophetic word is just that a word for the future, and what an awesome opportunity to speak hope into our children's futures.

The great plans of God don’t always result in a large bank account or a prominent position, although God can do anything in our lives with willing people that submit to Him.  We need to ask God for a vision for our children.  With our physical lives we see them as they are, but with our spiritual eyes we can see them as God sees them.  It’s only when we close our eyes in prayer that God will open our spiritual eyes to who we are in Christ with an identity based on Him.   

We need to help children know and find their identity in Christ alone.  Our roles as parents are to help them find their sweet spot where their God-given gifts and passions overlap.  There is something powerful about naming our children in prayer and asking God to impart wisdom in our children and grow them up in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man.

Dear Lord, there are those days when our children exasperate us and anger us and our minds just want to correct them.  We need your help in doing this in a loving way.  We also need help in growing them and teaching them wisdom that can only be found in your word.  We tend to remember what we need to forget and forget what we need to remember.  Lord, help us pray your potential gifts and plans into their lives and show us how to grown those and prosper them in ways that are in love and excellence.  It’s your character that we want to see in our lives, and through the lives of our children.  May we as families reflect your love and character in all things.  Help us to see their hope and their future with You, Lord.  Amen.