Why we feel like we can't be fixed

Originally published Sunday, 04 October 2015.


“Stop making what your past did to you greater than what Jesus did for you.” ~ Christine Caine.

God is in our broken places.  “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.  A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.” Ps. 34:18-19

If God knows we need to be mended then why doesn’t He reach down and fix us?  That was the question my friend asked recently.  I believe that we all have those places that need a repair.  I don’t believe that God wants us to stay in a state of brokenness however. With Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God has already given us a covering of forgiveness that has canceled our brokenness and He offers deliverance for every one of them.

So why does it feel like we can’t be fixed?  God wants to be more than our crisis manager.  God will restore what seems to be the broken in our lives. What holds us back is the shame we hide behind.    Often we think we have messed up so badly that we cause a separation from God and feel like we can’t come near Him.  Guilt wants to separate us and make us believe you are beyond repair.  Shame says we are broken and are trapped in fear.

Guilt says “I made a mistake” while shame says, “We are a mistake.”

If you are feeling “broken” then is there something that is hindering you?  Could it be guilt, fear, or shame?  Perhaps it’s from hurts from your past, hurts from your parents, or emotional scars from abuse that still need to be dealt with.  Whatever is throwing doubt into your life, it needs to be removed, cut out, and forgotten about.

We have to choose healing.  We must believe and receive God’s healing applies for ALL our places that need a touch of truth and grace.  We must grasp a heavenly perspective of how God sees our sin.  Getting a grip on what holds us away from God paves the way to healing.

Inner healing makes those broken places whole that the enemy stole.  True emotional and spiritual healing always comes from the inside out. 

We must choose the process because shame and guilt hide deep inside lurking in the dark corners and they create fear.  “Shame is the belief that we are uniquely and fatally flawed; that we will never measure up to the standard for acceptance and approval. Shame declares that we are doomed for disappointment and disconnection.”  Kris Vallotton.

When we give it all over to God to manage, we give God space to heal us.  He knows you as you’re fully known.  We are His righteous His children.  When we grasp who we are in Christ, our identity is something that can never be broken.  When we know that we are His, by the reconciliation that only comes from the One who has overcome death, then this bond of God’s love is powerful and can never be broken.

So consider this…if you feel like you are broken perhaps it’s your perspective that needs a repair. The wonderful thing about God is that He loves you enough to reach into the deepest parts of your need and reveal to you just what you need healing from. While God makes the restoration move to you, you have to come to Him with your confession and giving up of the shame and guilt you carry.  God’s love is the strongest to cover all our fragile pieces.

Even when your brokenness feels so overwhelming, know that all of your emotional hurts, wounds, the old, the fresh cuts, whether they are deep or wide or long are fixable.  God doesn’t hold back His healing that helps us become more like Him.