He Knows Your Name

Originally published Monday, 08 June 2015.

Ocean waves painted in light blue and green.

white construction paper pushed under my dorm room door.

I never knew He felt that way about me --

that scripture could be so personalized,

that my name, my name, could be a word

He utters, that He protects, that He carries with Him

when these waves threaten to overflow this boat.

He carries me through the waters and, into these waves

He invites me in with Him to swim.

I want to swim.

My name, brushed on by a hand who knows --

who has seen sorrow and loss, and felt herself picked up

into her Daddy's lap and held, shows me

this Savior she knows that I thought I knew.

I write this scripture as a gift for you today,

with your name where my name is too.

For it is this name He loves and calls and lifts

in our forgetting of self,

And there, we see the truth of Him.

"_______, when you pass through the waters,

   I will be with you;

and when you pass through the rivers,

   they will not sweep over you.

When you walk through the fire,

   you will not be burned;

   the flames will not set you ablaze."

   ~ Isaiah 43:2

Thinking about you and praying for you here,



Originally published at jenniferjcamp.com