The Pointed Life – Community that Points Women to God

Originally published Tuesday, 29 September 2015.

It’s silent. I hear only my own breathing. And then my friend’s puppy presses against my bare foot – cute, clumsy paws gently brushing the thick carpet.

I’m not sure what I’m listening for. The right prayer? A whisper from God to my heart? I think, actually, I’m relishing the invitation to not think any thoughts. I think, perhaps, I’m enjoying not listening, not searching for what to say, what to do.

Together, we read scripture; we layer praise; and then, in silence, we confess our sins. I love this part, this sitting together, in this circle of sisters, not saying a word. It surprises me how much I love it.

Silent confession? Fun? Really? Is it the confessing I love? Is it the almost tangible silence I find mesmerizing? Is it being in the presence of these dear friends who know my heart so well?  What part of this is so inviting?

I think it’s all three.

Through the act of confession my spirit is quieted. In the presence of my God I feel God’s love. But women around me who know God, who want more of him in their lives? They can do something powerful and beautiful:

Christian sisters can stir us to recognize our own yearning for more of God. They can encourage us to live lives that point to God, too.

A new site opened up its beautiful doors last night – a site for the purpose of encouraging and mentoring women to point, with their whole lives, their whole hearts, to God. It is amazing. I have known the founder, Michele-Lyn for a few years now. I first found her on-line, and then we got to spend time together at a conference.  I recognized her as a sister who was hungry for all of God. She didn’t want to settle for just a little bit of him. She knew the life he offered her was good, and she didn’t want to hold back on what he was asking her to give.

So, she started praying, and writing, and listening, and seeking. Her heart was breaking for women and families and children who didn’t know God. She took her family on trips to serve with World Help, a Christian organization who provides humanitarian, educational, medical assistance to people in need. But there was something else she felt she was being led to do. So she continued to surrender her heart and listen to what God was stirring in her – she felt he wanted her to partner with him in pursuing the hearts of his daughters.

Eventually, after more writing and dreaming and listening (and even going back to school to pursue a Organizational leadership degree!) the dream of The Pointed Life began to form – a place for women to come and be reminded of their identity in Christ and how they are fashioned for a specific and beautiful purpose. The team at The Pointed Life, Michele-Lyn, Ashlie, and Meredith, have joined together to bring inspiration, sisterhood, encouragement, and Biblical mentoring to women who want to join other women in pointing their lives to loving God.

The welcome mat is down. The front doors are open wide. An awesome giveaway is taking place as a way to say “thank you for coming” and “you’re welcome here”.  So go on over and join a group of sisters who want to come alongside you, encouraging you to live knowing by whom you were fashioned and for what function.

Together, let’s be sisters who want to lead a life that points the way to God.

What is the one thing you are looking for most from connecting with other Christian sisters on-line?

This post appeared originally at