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Praying for Our Political Leaders

Originally published Tuesday, 06 November 2012.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior…” -1 Timothy 2:1-3 

           May I be honest with you? These verses are not so hard to adhere to, when a candidate that I voted into office takes his seat. However, if it isn't my candidate, and especially if I am vehemently against that candidate's policies, it is extremely hard for me to pray for my leaders. I wonder how many of you would be honest and admit the same thing. I was in a church service several years ago in New Orleans when the pastor asked a gubernatorial candidate to the stage for prayer. We all prayed diligently for him. Weeks later, he didn't win. I was disappointed that our first choice had not one. I did not support our new governor on many issues and policies and I found myself rolling my eyes and turning the channel anytime he was speaking. I realized that four years later I could not remember having prayed for my governor, not even once.

          The political upheaval that our country is currently facing will no doubt change the future of our great land. It is certain that policies implemented will affect our children and grandchildren. But this political season - no matter the outcome, no matter the candidate - I am committed to pray for my leaders.

           These men and women are sacrificing much. No longer can they sit comfortably in their living rooms and debate ideals with a few family and friends. Privacy is no longer theirs. Immense criticism and heated debate is not part of their work day. Family scrutiny is commonplace. I wonder how many times our political leaders throw their hands up in agony half-way into their terms, pondering what to do. I am certain that many of those politicians with whom we passionately disagree are genuinely concerned for our country and its people and are searching for answers.

            The next time you want to scream at the television in anger for what you deem a poor decision by a political leader, why don't you consider getting on your knees and screaming out to God on their behalf? Would you consider praying for his family? His staff?

 Jennifer Maggio is an award-winning author and sought-after speaker who desires to see women living the life God intended. She is a columnist with Halo Magazine, SingleParents Town, BizyMoms, iBelieve, and several other publications. She is founder of The Life of a Single Mom Ministries. For more information, visit