Why Money Management Matters

Originally published Wednesday, 20 June 2018.


There are several reasons why appropriately managing our money is very important as a believer. Here are just a few:

  • Money stresses us out. It causes many tears. Stressed parents don't parent well. It affects your friendships, your job performance, and your parenting. When we don't have a plan in place, and we don't keep our finances in order, we stay up at night. We worry. We fret. And that translates into many other areas of our lives. It doesn't parlay into a good witness for others when we are always stressed out. 
  • Jesus died for our salvation, and he died that we may be set free. That freedom is intended for our spiritual lives, of course. And no, I'm not preaching some prosperity gospel that Jesus wants to pad your banking account. But money can absolutely be bondage for us that can cause us to be enslaved to our thought process or poor decisions. Poor money management can be a culprit in addiction. As Christians, we want freedom in all areas, so that we may be a living example of how Christ is living through us. Make no mistake. I'm not talking about some frivolous pursuit to secure worldly riches. I simply mean having the freedom to know that our financial situation isn't a hindrance in our faith walk.
  • We want to leave our children a legacy. Proverbs 13:22 says Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren. Did you notice it doesn't even say children, rather grandchildren? What an important word for us! We are to be good stewards of that which the Lord has given us in hopes of leaving something behind for our children and their children.
  • Wisdom. Proverbs 24:3 says A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong with good sense. Healthy money management leads to freedom.
  • If you are a single person, you want to move into a new relationship healthy. As a single person, it's important to have healthy money management so that you aren't prompted to marry, simply to make things easier on you financially. It is easier not to jump into a new relationship out of sheer financial desperation when you've taken good care of that which has been entrusted to you. 


 Jennifer Maggio is an award-winning author and speaker, whose personal journey through homelessness, abuse, and multiple teen pregnancies is leaving audiences around the globe riveted. At 19, Maggio was pregnant for the fourth time, living in government housing on food stamps and welfare. She shares with great openness, her pain, mistakes, and journey to find hope in Christ. She ultimately became an 11-time Circle of Excellence winner in Corporate America. While a vocal advocate for abstinence, and sustaining today's marriages,  Maggio recognizes that single parenthood exists and is passionate about seeing these parents thrive. She left her corporate successes behind to launch a global initiative to see single moms living a life of total freedom from financial failures, parenting woes, and emotional issues.  Her passion is contagious, and her story has been used to inspire thousands around the globe. Today, Jennifer works to ensure that no single mom walks alone as the founder of the national profit, The Life of a Single Mom. For more information and resources, visit the website HERE

Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/SARINYAPINNGAM