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It’s ok to have mini meltdowns and it’s ok to be honest

Originally published Wednesday, 08 May 2013.

It’s ok to have mini meltdowns and it’s ok to be honest about them with your friends. I had one today actually. All I could hear was “no one cares Lindsay, you are all alone”

The enemy and his tactics are not new what so ever, but they are rather effective, it’s almost like I had to go against everything I was thinking and feeling to send out a text to a few prayer warriors to get some help praying through it. Praying against the lies that were saying “you have no community, you are all alone Lindsay, what are you going to do about it?”

Of course it didn’t take long for the feelings to subside after I had forced myself to ignore what I was hearing and just press “send” on that text.

That is the power of prayer, the power of community and the power of Jesus, Himself, the One who has overcome the world and everything in it, including the enemy.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - Love Jesus (John 16:33)

Deep Breath I heard, then I knew I was suppose to go take a walk, I didn’t “feel” like it, I didn’t want too, but I just knew that it would be best. As I was walking I started to cry, just a little break down, again out of know where, I don’t even remember the lie I was hearing, but I was crying kind of hard, something wasn't right.

I walked a block further and turned my head and two sweet people I know and really think are fantastic were waving at me from their car (did I mention I live in a city of 6 million people) that just doesn’t happen, ever. With a surprised look on our faces (again not super normal to run into people on the street in downtown Atlanta) we exchanged a comment or two and after they continued on, I thought, God that was you.

That was you God, reminding me of just how many amazing people, I do know, how many amazing brothers and sisters I do have in this city, I am not alone, the devil is such a liar.

His lie is to isolate, to frustrate, to steal your peace, kill your hope and destroy your day with lies!


Heavenly Father, I praise You that You are in control and that You love me more than I can comprehend, reveal to me more of Your love Lord! Continue to help me recognize the lies that I believe! Surround me with people that will point these lies out in my life! Give me Your revelation Lord of Your tangible presence that accompanies and protect me from the schemes of the enemy.  Forgive me for being deceived, I confess You are God, Lord of Lords and King of Kings and I love You, In Your name Jesus, I pray! AMEN!!!!!