Originally published Monday, 20 June 2016.
It's important to take time for soul care especially when the summer days are long and the heat is unrelenting!
Here is a summer soul care exercise you can do to find peace and envision your future self.
- Go to Unsplash.com and use the search bubble in the top right hand corner to search for an image that best represents how you practice soul care. You can scroll through the images or specific things like flowers, a chair, or nature.
- Find joy and energy while you chasing beauty in the images loading on your screen.
- Download your favorite pictures. Save one as your desktop, Gmail background, Facebook cover image, and iPhone/iPad screen saver.
- Journal or blog about why you choose this image. What does it represent for you? How does it make you feel? What does it remind you of?
- Invite your friends to search for images that remind them to practice soul care this summer.
- Enjoy beauty every time you log on to your devices.
- After you've soaked up the beauty on the screen--head outdoors and practice your own version of soul care!
Want to see my favorite picture?
- The chair invites me in
- I feel instantly creative
- It's messy but full of greenery and life
- The colors are bright and vibrant
- My future self wants a room just like this because it just looks happy!
Your turn. I want to see your favorite photo and the reasons why you choose them! Post them in the comments below.