Dream Devotional Releases Today!

Originally published Sunday, 20 April 2014.

Dream Devotional Releases Today! Dream Devotional is a 40 day devotional of hope for people who have fallen on hard times. 

I dedicated it to all the dreamers. I can't wait to go through it with you all over the 40 days. I will be sharing a daily picture quote on social media.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to stay connected!

You can get your copy of Dream Devotional for only $3.99 on Amazon here

I find it interesting that I'm not the only one writing about my own frustrations about dreams coming {or not} coming true. Recently, singer and songwriter Phil Wickham wrote about losing his voice on his blog. His story touched me so deeply because I could relate to feeling lost. He said,

In the unknown of what was to come my reaction was one I wouldn’t have expected. I would have guessed fear, or frustration. Maybe even desperation. But it wasn’t those things. I felt lost. I realized right then how closely I tied my own worth with my voice. My worth as a provider. My worth as a leader. My worth as a person. Though now it sounds a bit melodramatic, I sat silent alone in my hotel room that night wondering, “What am I worth without a voice?” “Who am I without it?”

That's kind of how I felt when things didn't go so well with the launch of my last book Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me. It was through that process of feeling lost and losing my identity of a writer that I wrote Dream Devotional. Maybe you’ve seen your dreams come true only to watch them die. Or maybe you haven’t seen them come true yet. Maybe you’re still waiting. I encourage you to keep dreaming.

“Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]—blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he” (Proverbs 29:18, AMP).

Now it's my turn to help you dream.  That’s why I released Dream Devotional this Easter! What are you waiting for? Grab your copy for $3.99 today, and head over to ReneeFisher.com for the big dream giveaway to celerate God bringing dead dreams back to life!