Advent 2013: Awe and Wonder Day 7

Originally published Saturday, 07 December 2013.

I wanted to end the first week of our Advent celebration of Awe and Wonder with some thoughts of what God taught me personally this week. This series is born out of pure obedience to Him. As I've mentioned before, the idea of a 25 straight day blog writing stint intimidated me to the point of almost telling God, sorry...I can't do it! Obedience is a way to experience Awe and Wonder this Advent season. Check out the video below.  

Today's Advent Scripture: Micah 5:2 THE VOICE

But you, Bethlehem of Ephrathah, of the clans of Judah, are no poor relation— From your people will come a Ruler who will be the shepherd of My people, Israel, Whose origins date back to the distant past, to the ancient days.



Take some time to evaluate and recap this past week--the first week of Advent. What were some special ways you experienced God's Awe and Wonder in the following areas...

~God's Word

~In Nature

~In Your World Around You

~In worship

~In Prayer

If you really feel like you didn't experience Awe and Wonder that's ok! Ask Him to open your eyes to see His glory. Everyday for the next week...just pray for eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart tender to love. Check back in tomorrow for

Day 8 and our SECOND week of Advent.

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