What you need to know if you're having one tough week

Originally published Thursday, 04 February 2016.

For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life. John 3:16 (VOICE) 

I’ve had one of those weeks.

It’s been a week when I’m not sure where the to-do list starts or what to tackle next.

Seven days of early mornings, long days, and late nights. Deadlines. Meetings. Launches. 

On top of that the email server crashed.

And I got a stomach bug.

This morning as I sat down to write this post I took a deep prayer and said, 

“God, what do I need to hear from you today.”

It’s the first time all week that I’ve taken the time to slow down and listen for God. And to be honest if I didn’t have a blog to go out today this time probably wouldn’t have happened either. 

As I sat still for a moment and I scanned the list of half written blogs I keep. And one caught my attention. 

On the note I had written:

You are loved. 

Jesus Christ is crazy about you. 

He loves you just as you are, not as you should be.

As you are.

Just as you are.

I’ve been so busy that it is easy to lose sight of that.

Maybe it’s hard to remember how much God loves me because it is difficult to understand how crazy his love for me is. 

God sent his son to die for me so I could live with him forever. There is no way I can ever comprehend that kind of love. 

I think my week has been crazy, but God’s love bends itself around my to-do list, invades my hard conversations and somehow swallows my early mornings, long days and late nights.  

It’s weird but God’s love is big enough that he has been present in everything I’ve done. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t noticed how he helped me say the right words or how his love was present when I was tired and felt alone. 

I allowed my schedule to let me lose sight of the fact that God loves me not because of what I do but because of who I am.

I am his. 

I am his beloved.

Even on my craziest/saddest/hardest days God has never let me out of his sight. 

In fact on those days I think he is close enough to see the freckles on my face. 

What I’m trying to say is no matter what you are going through God loves you. He sees you. And if you look for his love you will find it in the places where you least expect it. Even in the middle of one of those weeks.

God. Loves. You. Don’t lose sight of that.(tweet this)

Ponder: Do you ever lose sight of the fact that God loves you? I’d love you to share in the comments the things that help you remember how much God loves you.

Prayer: Thank you that you love me, God. Help me to rest in your love. Amen. 

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- This was orginally published on my site in November 2015. To read more devotionals like this go to ilovedevotionals.com