What Are You Doing Today (Give Away)

Originally published Wednesday, 03 July 2013.

"The days are long but the years are short."

I will never forget the first time those words were uttered in my presence. At the time, I was nursing two six-month-olds, potty training a two-year-old and teaching a five-year-old how to read! To say my days were long seemed like an understatement--And in all honesty, mentioning the years to come seemed a bit inconsiderate!

At that stage in my parenting journey, my days were actually never ending. So I had no choice but to listen purposefully and to allow those words to breathe hope into my current situation. 

"The days are long but the years are short." 

I cannot tell you how many times I replay this phrase as I struggled to make it to bedtime each night. Know what I mean?

However, a few years later, I can now see the truth and depth of what was being implied. 

As I watch my now nine-year-old as she teaches her twin four-year-old sisters to tie their shoes while my six-year-old reads them a story, I am shocked at how fast the years have flown by. 

In the heat of the summer, when the days seem to gain an extra three hours, I’m sure you may be struggling and need to be reminded of the same simple reality so that you can make the most of your time. 

So, what are you doing today that will create a memory for you and your kids for years to come?

Whether your days look like a failed attempt at any easy Pinterest craft.... 

Or a day at the beach.... literally... (I know, I know....how unfair is it that this is actually what days look like for some..not me!)

…I challenge you to find the beauty in your picture!

We want to know, what are you doing today?! Email a picture of what you are doing today to sprinkles@forgirlslikeyou.com or share it on our Facebook page for a chance to win a For Girls Like You Magabook and Journal!! 

We will randomly select a winner on Friday July 5th!!