Are International Missions More Important Than Domestic Missions?

Vivian Bricker

Throughout time, individuals have tried to downplay either international missions or domestic missions. Some believe international missions are superior; whereas, others believe domestic missions are more important. Even though there are arguments on both sides of the camps, are international missions more important than domestic missions?

Superiority Complex?

International missions have been portrayed over the course of time as being superior to domestic missions; however, international missions are not superior or more important than domestic missions. Both international missions and domestic missions are equally important. The Lord needs individuals to participate in both domestic missions and international missions. Jesus is clear that all Christians must spread the Gospel as stated in the Great Commission passage in Matthew 28:18-20, yet Jesus does not tell us directly where we are to go. The Lord tells us to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19a). 

This means that as the body of believers, He wants us to work together to proclaim the truth of His Gospel throughout the world. God does not expect us to share the Gospel with the whole world by ourselves. Instead, as the Church, we are to work together and each person will do their part in spreading the Gospel. Some Christians feel called to domestic missions while others are called to serve in international missions. There is not a better option or a more “Christian” path to take. It is wrong to believe that international missions are more important than domestic missions because that is the equivalent of saying that certain people are worth saving while others are not. The Lord desires all people to be saved, not just a select few (1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9). If someone believes international missions are superior to domestic missions, then they are clearly uninformed on the Bible and mission work in general. Both international missions and domestic missions are necessary to spread the message of salvation to everyone.


International missions and domestic missions are equally crucial, yet there are differences between these two types of missionary work. International missions go abroad; whereas, domestic missions stay in one's home country. Both international missions and domestic missions need missionaries to be sent out on the field. Oftentimes, when we think of missions, we only think of international missions because of the association with mission work over the course of time. It is only until recently that churches started focusing on domestic missions. Individuals, churches, and ministries started preparing domestic missionaries recently because they have discovered that domestic missions are just as crucial as international missions. 

It is easy to believe that everyone in your own country has heard the Gospel because you live in a first-world country, but this is not true. Your own community, country, and neighbors need to hear the Gospel too. Sometimes we can make the greatest difference when we share the Gospel with our close friends and family because we have already built a strong relationship with them. International missions are often seen as more important because missionaries serving on the international mission field are seen as giving up the comforts of life and moving to a new land where they do not know anyone. It is seen as a very noble task; whereas, domestic missions aren't revered as the same reckless abandonment. This should not be because both international missions and domestic missions are crucial to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and require the believer to get outside their comfort zone and present the salvation of Jesus to others. 

Christians should lay down the idea that international missions are superior to domestic missions. There are differences between these two types of missions, yet they still both have unique challenges of their own. It is not beneficial to try to weigh international missions against domestic missions. 

Serving the Lord

Whether an individual chooses to serve God through domestic missions or international missions is between them and God. The Lord commands each of us to go and take the Gospel to all people. It is up to us if we are going to obey. Whether we choose to serve God through domestic missions or international missions, God is pleased with us. The entire world needs to hear about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. You can discern where God is leading you to serve through prayer, Bible reading, and speaking with your church or other Christians about your thoughts on missionary work. 

When it comes to missions, there are no wrong answers as to where to serve the Lord. You can serve domestically, such as in your own country or internationally, such as in Europe, Asia, Africa, or South America. God needs His children to serve Him in a variety of places in order for each individual to hear the message of salvation. Nobody can accept the Gospel message unless they hear it in a way that is understandable and meaningful to them (Romans 10:15). As Christians, it is our responsibility from the Lord to share His message of salvation to others. Whether domestically or internationally, we are all called to share the Gospel. 

Domestic Missions

Domestic missions are important because they focus on serving individuals in one's local community. Oftentimes, those in our own communities can be overlooked when we think about sharing the Gospel. We reason that since there are established churches in the community that all people have either heard the Gospel or have accepted Christ. We should not believe this line of thought. Just because a person lives in our community does not mean they know Christ nor does having a church on every block mean every individual has gone to a church service. Domestic missions are unique because they present the opportunity to reach those in your own community. We should never underestimate the power of sharing the Gospel in our communities. 

International Missions 

International missions are also important, but not more important than domestic missions. Neither international missions nor domestic missions are superior to one another. Each is equally important. Nonetheless, international missions give the Christian an opportunity to go overseas and reach lost souls whom they would not have been able to reach if they stayed in their own country. Partaking in international missions can be tricky, especially if you have to learn a new language; however, dedication goes a long way particularly when you know you are working for the Lord. Different cultures, beliefs, and traditions permeate international missions, yet this can be a great learning experience and a way to gain a new perspective. 

Domestic missions and international missions are both wonderful opportunities to serve the Lord. Both are equally important and crucial for sharing the Gospel across the world. Where do you feel God is leading you? Don’t worry if you have not received an audible “call” from the Lord because He does not speak out of thunderclouds or through prophets today. God speaks to us through His Word and in His Word; He has given all of us the command to take the Gospel to all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). With this command given to us by the Lord, we need to seek God out in prayer and consult with Him where He wants us to serve. Does He want you to serve in domestic missions or international missions? Both are equally important and crucial in order to advance the Gospel. Thus, international missions are not more important than domestic missions. Under God's guidance and the Christian's obedience, international and domestic missions bring glory to Him and help the lost to come to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. 

Photo Credit: ©RNS/AP Photo/Fernando Vergara

Vivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.

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