Wouldn’t it be nice to have our lives laid out before us with a clear roadmap, detailing every turn we should take? But that’s not reality, is it? Real life is more often marked by seasons of feeling lost in the unknown. Here are 10 prayers for guidance when you feel lost in the unknown.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have our lives laid out before us with a clear roadmap, detailing every turn we should take? But that’s not reality, is it? Real life is more often marked by seasons of feeling lost in the unknown.
You may feel lost in making decisions, not knowing where to attend college, who to marry, or how to navigate being a new parent. Perhaps you feel lost in the uncertainty of when the coronavirus will end. Or perhaps you feel directionless trying to homeschool your children for the first time. It could be that you lost your job recently, and you have no idea what the future looks like. Perhaps your husband decided to leave or was taken from you, and now life as you once knew it is completely unknown.
Unknown can feel hopeless.
It’s important for us to remember that when we feel lost, God knows exactly what He’s doing. He’s right on course, even though our course feels like a detour. For He knows all, sees all, and is totally and completely sovereign over all (Hebrews 4:13).
We must remember that God did not leave us empty handed. The most valuable thing you can have to guide you, navigate you, and even encourage you when you feel lost is the word of God. Psalm 119:105 says “Your word is a lamp unto my feet.” The Lord left us with the Bible as the guide that lights our path, leading us and helping us navigate each and every one of our steps.
Here are 10 prayers for guidance when you feel lost in the unknown.
Photo Credit: © Unsplash/Daniel Jensen
1. Pray for Courage to Keep Going When You Feel Lost
“Be strong and of good courage, do no fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Dear God,
Thank you for your beautiful promise that you are with us no matter what we face. And that no matter what we face, you will never leave our side. Lord, we ask that in the moments we feel lost in a world of unknowns, that you would give us courage to be strong and to be encouraged as we are not walking in this alone. It takes courage to continue walking when everything around us makes us feel lost. We ask that you remind us of the courage you have given us to overcome any fear of the unknown. We ask that you guide us back to your Word full of promises like this verse. We trust you at your Word.
In Jesus’ Name,
2. Pray for Wisdom to Navigate through the Unknown
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)
Dear God,
As we begin to step out in courage, we ask that you give us wisdom. Thank you that we can come to you in faith, asking for wisdom in the unknown areas of our lives, where we feel lost and confused. Lost on what steps to take next and lost on making sense of it all. We thank you that we don’t have to rely on our own understanding, as we know that your wisdom will guide us giving us direction that we can’t find anywhere else. Thank you that your thoughts are higher than our thoughts and your ways are higher than ours. Please give us this wisdom needed to navigate through the unknown.
In Jesus’ Name,
3. Pray for Our Eyes to Be Open
“And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw.” And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire around Elisha.” (2 Kings 6: 16-17)
Dear God,
Just as Elisha prayed for the servant’s eyes to be open, and see that he was protected by you, we ask that you would open our eyes. Open our eyes to see things anew. To see things from your perspective. Thank you, Lord, that through asking, you can allow us to see things through your filter, and not our circumstances. Through your eyes and not our own. We love you and thank you that you have a plan around everything. That what seems unknown to us is far from unknown to you.
In Jesus’ Name,
4. Pray for Less Worry and More Peace
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:4-7)
Dear God,
We thank you so much that you offer us peace in times of little to no peace. Thank you that when we feel lost and anxious, we can come to you in prayer. Thank you for teaching us through this verse, that it involves thanksgiving. Lord, please remind us in moments of worry, to pray to you with all the things we are thankful for, and as we begin to do that, replace the worry with your peace. A peace that surpasses the unknowns of the future. Thank you that you promise to guard our hearts and minds. We thank you and ask for your peace to overtake us today.
In Jesus’ Name,
5. Pray to Fix Your Focus
“…when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and began to sink…” (Matthew 14:29-30)
Dear God,
Just as Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, and focused on the wind around him, we are guilty of doing the same. Forgive us Lord for taking our eyes off of you, and instead putting our focus on the unknowns around us. It is in those moments we begin to sink and feel so lost. Father, please remind us in moments like these, to fix our focus on you and you alone. The world is full of boisterous storms, but fixing our eyes on you, we can be guided through them all. May we stay ever close to you and rest in the assurance that you are guiding us one step out on the water at a time. Thank you for your provision. We love you.
In Jesus Name,
6. Pray for Gods Will and His Heart
“Your kingdom come. Your will be done.” (Matthew 6:10)
Dear God,
Please forgive us for those times of wanting things done our way, in our timing and under our control. Thank you, Lord, that we don’t have to have control anymore. That we can release our ideas and expectations of the unknown that make us feel lost to you. We release it all into your hands today asking for thy will to be done, and not our own. Lord, please align our hearts with yours. Align our desires with your desires and guide us. Purify our hearts God, removing any debris that doesn’t belong there, so we can have a heart more likes yours.
In Jesus’ Name,
7. Pray for Trust in the Known Plan
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
Thank you, Lord, that you know what’s best for us, that you already have a plan. A plan you’ve had from the beginning, and that you will see it through to the end. Remind us in moments of doubt and feeling lost, that even though things seem unknown, you already know it all. That you have a bigger plan, and those plans are goo—plans to prosper us and give us hope. Father, build our trust in you, reminding us often how faithful you are. When we feel lost, you give us hope. Even if the future seems unknown, we trust in a known God and your known plan. Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful promise.
In Jesus’ Name,
8. Pray for Patience as We Wait in the Unknown
“Now stand here and see the great thing the LORD is about to do.” (1 Samuel 12:16)
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us the Bible that gives us so much hope. We know that you have great plans for us and sometimes that means we don’t always know the details. Teach us patience and to do exactly what you’ve asked us to do in times of unknown and uncertainty. Help us to resist our instincts to control, manipulate, leave, or avoid the situations you’ve placed us in. Help us to to simply wait when you call us to, and be patient and watch you work. Teach us patience. Strengthen our ability to wait faithfully. Thank you for what you are going to do as we wait. We trust you, for you are faithful.
In Jesus’ Name,
9. Pray for Confidence Knowing God Hears Us
“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” (1 John 5:14)
Dear God,
Thank you that in the times when we feel lost, and things seem unknown, we can look to you knowing that you hear all our cries and all our prayers. Father, remind us to rest in the confidence that you hear us. That even if our prayers never get answered in the way we desire to see them, remind us that your will is so much higher than ours. Father, please remind us when we feel lost or when it feels like you are silent and we need answers in the unknown, that you are working and you hear us. Allow us to rest in this confidence.
In Jesus’ Name,
10. Pray for the Unknown Path to Be Made Straight
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Dear God,
We know that feeling lost is especially strong in times of confusion. And confusion is not of you Lord. It’s the enemy’s way to instill doubt and fear. Jesus, please give us the strength in these moments to depend on your Word. Bring Scripture to mind so we don’t depend on our own understanding. Prompt us each day to submit to you, and as we do, please make the unknown paths straight. We submit ourselves to you, and trust in your understanding, no longer ours. Thank you that your mercy is new every morning, that we can turn to you and no longer turn to our own ways. Thank you for your loving kindness.
In Jesus’ Name,
Design Credit: © SWN/Sarah Martin
Alisha Headley is a writer + speaker who has a desire to meet the everyday woman in her everyday life with biblical truth. Stepping into her true calling, she left the corporate world behind as a former-financial VP to love on her family as a stay-at-home wifey + dog mama, while also being able to pursue her passion as a writer. Healing from a chapter of life consumed with lies she once believed about herself, she is inspired to point women to Christ to experience the freedom + power to overcome those lies with the truth written in God’s word. In her free time, Alisha enjoys road trips around the country, working out so she can eat her favorite foods, and creatively styling her outfits with a craft for fashion. Alisha is a proud wifey and dog mama living in Scottsdale, Arizona.
You can follow her blog by visiting her website or connect with her on facebook + instagram.
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