23 Short Prayers to Give Hope to Your Soul

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

Shorts prayers are beneficial for modern Christians to continually turn to God in supplication. They provide a quick and easy way to seek God and express our gratitude and wishes. A short prayer usually consists of just a few words or sentences and can be used throughout the day within our spiritual life. Some examples of short prayers include:

- "Lord, have mercy on me." (The Jesus Prayer)
- "Lord, thank you for this beautiful day."
- "May peace and love fill my heart."
- "Show me the way to light and truth."
- "Help me to be kind and patient."
- "Guide me with your wisdom."
- "Fill me with joy and gratitude."

These short prayers are a great way to take a few moments each day to give thanks to God for everything in our life.

Whether you have had a personal relationship with God for years or are only beginning to discover who Jesus is, we all need guidance sometimes when it comes to prayers.

It’s often hard to find the words to pray, so we put together this collection of short prayers. The following short prayers offer guiding words to pray over various topics, including worry, anxiety, doubt, forgiveness, fear, and other areas where we need God’s help. 

Please use these prayers and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Also, add some of your own words and personalize your petitions to God. 

Short Prayer for Difficult Times

"I pray that despite the difficulty surrounding us that we can stand firm in our faith. I pray we can share the love of Jesus with all those around us and that the lies and the schemes of the enemy will not prevail. I lift the people who don’t know you, I pray you would bring people into their lives that can bring truth to their hearts and hope for their souls. Thank you for your peace, Lord and thank you that we can come to you and you meet us right where we are.
In your name we pray, Jesus, amen." ~ Heidi Vegh (excerpted from A Prayer for Difficult Times)

Prayer for Peace

Father God, my heart is filled with chaos and confusion. I feel as if I am drowning in my circumstances and my heart is filled with fear and confusion. I really need the strength and peace that only You can give. Right now, I choose to rest in You. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen. ~ Mary Southerland.

Prayer for the Broken-Hearted

"Dear Father,
You alone, God, know the sorrow deep within my heart and You alone are the One who can heal my broken heart. “You who are my Comforter in sorrow, my heart is faint within me” (Jeremiah 8:18). In this darkest of times in my life, Father, I turn towards you, asking You to mend my brokenness and extend Your healing into to every area of my heart that is ripped and torn apart. I’m powerless, Lord, to remove this heartbreak from my heart but You who created my innermost being and knit me together in my mother’s womb, can make my heart anew again (Psalm 139:13).

I praise You, Father, because in You, I can be set free from the grief, as your word assures, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). Thank You for Your nearness to me during this time of overwhelming heartbreak and loss. In Your beautiful name I release my deepest sorrows and receive Your abundant life. Today, Father, I receive Your freedom from this brokenness to heal my heart. I look to you to turn my sorrow into joy and to replace my many tears shed with joyful songs (Psalm 126:5).
In Jesus’ name, Amen" ~ Lynette Kittle (excerpted from A Prayer for Broken Hearts)


Prayer for Perseverance

Holy Lord, Thank You for grace. Please help me move beyond the hurdles that trip me up and give me the strength and wisdom to look up and see the hope I run toward in Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Gwen Smith

Download our free PDF of calming Prayers for When You Can't Sleep. Save these to your phone or print them to use in times of stress or anxiety.

Prayer for Self Control

Father, today I ask forgiveness of all the negative and harmful words I have spoken about myself. I do not want to abuse myself in such a way again. Transform my thoughts and let me understand how marvelously you made me. Change my habits so I use my tongue to speak hope and favor upon my life. In Jesus' name, Amen. ~ Sarah Coleman

Prayer for Your Children

Lord, I release my children to Your care and protection, and I relinquish my will for them in favor of Your will. I know I can't go everywhere my child goes, but I know you do. Please protect them.Give us wisdom for how to parent well. Give us peace in Your goodness toward our children and your love for us. In Jesus' Name, Amen.~ Dr. Neil T. Anderson

Prayer for Loving Like Jesus

Father, I have to thank You for looking beyond my faults and for loving me unconditionally. Forgive me when I fail to love others in the same way. Give me eyes to see the needs of the difficult people in my life, and show me how to meet those needs in a way that pleases You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Mary Southerland

Prayer for God’s Direction

Lord, help me not to lean on my own understanding but in everything acknowledge You so that You can direct my words, thoughts and actions. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Sharon Glasgow

Prayer for When You Feel Unworthy

Lord, thank You that in Christ, I'm chosen, holy and dearly loved. When I'm tempted to measure myself according to the world's standards or my foolish comparisons, help me to recognize Satan's lies, refuse his temptations, and rely on Your truth about me instead. In Jesus' Name, Amen. ~ Renee Swope 

Prayer For Worry

Father, I am tempted to worry about so many things. Our world is a mess! Forgive me for focusing on anything or anyone but You. Thank You for the Bible that equips and empowers me to live each day. Right now, I declare that You are my only Hope. Please help me remember that You really are in control. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Mary Southerland

Prayer for God’s Strength

Lord, thank you for your greatness. Thank you that when I am weak, you are strong. Lord, the Devil is scheming and I know he desires to keep me from spending time with you. Don’t let him win! Give me a measure of your strength so that I might not give into discouragement, deception and doubt! Help me honor you in all my ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Debbie Przybylski

Prayer for Control of Tongue

Lord, I know my tongue often gets ahead of my mind and heart. I am quick to speak and I repent of the many thoughtless things I have spoken. I am sorry for the words I have spoken in anger or in gossip. Please help me to see when I am about  to speak without thinking and to check my heart. Help me be slow to speak. Help me Lord to be a person full of loving words, full of your Spirit, overflowing with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control. Amen. ~ Debbie Przybylski

Prayer When Feeling Inadequate

Dear Lord, Thank You for fearfully and wonderfully creating each of us. Thank You for giving us worth in Your eyes. Help us live as the one You uniquely intended us to be. Help us abide instead of strive, living peacefully and joyfully as heirs to Your Kingdom and co-heirs with Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Julie Sunne

Prayer for Being Grateful

Father, I am so sorry for the way I complain about my circumstances. Please forgive me for my bad attitude when things don't go my way. I want to see Your hand in every part of every day - good or bad. Help me learn how to face every storm with confidence, knowing that You really are in control even though I cannot hear Your voice or see Your hand at work. In Jesus Name, Amen. ~ Mary Southerland

Prayer of God’s Provision

Dear Father God, Thank You for Your unfailing love for me, Your blessings, and goodness. Thank You for Your faithfulness to guide me and see me through times of uncertainty, for lifting me up, and setting me on high. Thank You for Scripture that comforts and reminds me of Your promises, plan, and provision. Thank you for taking away my fears and worries, the what-ifs, and reminding me that my help comes from You. Help me be a good steward and to sow wisely. In Christ’s Name, Amen. ~ Renee Davis

Prayer for Growing Faith

Dear Lord, help me - every single morning - to find faith in the midst of the chaos. Give me the desire and ability to see You, hear You, talk to You, and give thanks to You. And as I do, I pray that I will draw nearer and nearer to You, and that my faith will multiply exponentially as I understand in new, deeper ways that You are everything I ever hoped You would be. And so much more. Amen. ~ Kelly O’Dell Stanley

Prayer for Confidence

Lord, help me let go of my fear of failure. I know Satan wants to use my fears to hold me back from living boldly for You. Forgive me for not living in faith, and help me from this moment on to live with bold confidence in You. Lord, help me not compare myself to others around me. I pray instead that I can keep my eye on You and live a life that proclaims Your excellence. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen. ~ Rick Warren

Prayer for a Heavy Heart

Lord, I want to lay before you all that weighs heavy on my heart. Reveal even the sin I am not aware of, Lord. I lay these at your feet and pray your forgiveness on me. I believe you when you say that you wash us whiter than snow. Thank you Lord for your unending love for me! Help me start fresh right now to make choices that honor you. In Jesus' Name, Amen. ~ Rick Warren 

Prayer for Hope and Trust

Father, sometimes it does feel that you have left us in the battle. We know that you are with us, but so are our feelings of aloneness. The Enemy seems to be taking ground. Our crying out to you seems to go unanswered. We know you are at work, but help us trust you in the midst of our questions. In Jesus' Name, Amen. ~ Ron Moore 

Short Prayer for Thankfulness

God, sometimes life gets me down and I find it hard to see things to be thankful for. Open my eyes to see the gifts you’ve given me in my life. I’m going to start by thanking you for loving me enough to come to earth and die so we can live together forever. Amen. ~ Wendy van Eyck

Prayer for Restored Relationships

Father God, open my eyes to see the ways I’m like Cain. What conflicts am I allowing to brew in my family? What anger is bubbling into murderous rage in my relationships? Thank You for the clarity to see how hatred kills relationships. I choose instead the way of love. Love protects. Help me to protect those I love by loving them. Your way is always best, Father. I pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ James MacDonald

What are you praying to overcome today? Join our large praying community on Crosswalk Forums and experience the power and hope of bringing your petitions before God! Click HERE.

Image credit: ©GettyImages/JantaneeRungpranomkorn; Video credits for audio, video, photos: Soundstripe, Storyblocks, LightStock, ThinkStock

This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

The Lord’s Prayer
Prayer for Peace
Morning Prayers
Good Night Prayers

Prayer for Healing
Prayer for Protection
Prayer for Anxiety
Prayer for Strength

Now available is our new Daily Prayer devotional and podcast! An easy way to start your day with prayer: read or listen to today’s prayer and sign up to receive it by email.

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