Help me remain here with You, Jesus, hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd.
My mother-in-law is the letter writer in our family. She has a gift for thoughtfully expressing her heart to those she loves. I’ve taken after her in recent years, reaching out to people with typed or handwritten notes, letting them know how valuable they are, blessing them through the written word.
Today, I’m writing love letters to Jesus, not because He doesn’t already know the depth of my affection, but because He’s the Source of my affection. He’s my First Love, the One who’s with me through it all, and the One with Whom I get to spend eternity.
I pray these letters will encourage you to write your own words, offering praise and gratitude to the One who loves you most. As the Psalmist once wrote, “My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.” (Psalm 45:1)
Here are 3 love letters to Jesus:
The One My Heart Dreams Of
Dear Jesus,
Before I knew You, I chased after love in all the wrong places. As Johnny Lee's old song goes, I was “Lookin’ for love in too many faces, searchin’ their eyes, lookin’ for traces of what I'm dreaming of.”
But it was You, Jesus. It was always You—the One my heart was dreaming of. Even as a child, singing songs at Vacation Bible School and making crafts that bore your name, You were and always have been the One my heart dreams of.
Thank You for speaking my name, drawing me out of youthful rebellion into repentance and salvation. As You continue to conform me into Your likeness, I’m constantly reminded of who You are—my First Love, my True Love, my Savior, and my Friend.
The words of the song, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” ring through my mind, saying,
“What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer.
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer!”
Here’s an acrostic poem expressing my devotion to You. It’s a small attempt at showing just how grateful I am that You found me, looking for love in all the wrong places, yet drawing me back to my First Love:
Forever, You are faithful
I love You, Lord
Resting in Your promises
Steadfast and True
Trusting You beyond measure
Living to glorify You
Oh, the depths of Your love for me
Victory is Yours, is mine
Emmanuel, You are with me
The One Who Stays Close
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for sticking by me all these years. The growing pains haven’t been easy, but You’ve been so, so faithful.
I love the word, “steadfast,” because that is what You are. You are steadfast and sure, constant in a world that is ever-changing. Thank You, Jesus, for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. I can count on You to come through every single time. As the old hymn goes…
“Great is thy faithfulness,
Great is thy faithfulness,
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed thy hand hast provided;
Great is thy faithfulness,
Lord unto me.”
I love the imagery of walking in the pasture with You, being led to quiet streams of water where only the sound of Your voice is heard. Help me remain here with You, Jesus, hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd.
Align my heart with Yours each new day and keep me in the fold of Your holy presence. Your closeness is what enables me to handle life’s trials. Just knowing You are near helps me navigate difficulties under Your yoke of gentleness and peace.
Here is a poem of praise, Lord, a poem of delight that I get to walk with You all the days of my life. I pray it is honorable to You, my faithful Shepherd and Friend:
The gate opens and I step inside,
Greenest pasture, far and wide.
Your right hand leads me to glorious places,
Each stumble rescued by tender graces.
I hear Your voice, Lord, and no one else,
With wisdom and truth, my heart swells.
Hope and love and steadfast peace—
May Your closeness, Lord, never cease.
The One and Only
Dear Jesus,
Only You could fill the cross-shaped void in my heart. No other piece of the puzzle would do. I searched high and low for the peace only You could give, and when I finally found it, I was overwhelmed with joy.
You said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” I believe it, Lord. I know it to be true! My heartfelt prayer is that You will reveal Yourself to those I love, showing them in miraculous ways that You are who You say You are.
Please open their eyes, unstop their ears, and expose their hearts to Your saving grace. Draw them to the well of Living Water where they can drink of Your goodness all the days of their life. This is my deepest prayer.
I’m reminded of Acts 4:12, which says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Let Your name ring throughout the earth, the name above all names. There is power in Your name, Jesus!
As I close this letter, I want to express one more time just how grateful I am for Your continued love in my life. Daily, I’m reminded of Your sacrifice, the ultimate sacrifice powerful enough to save the whole world. Thank You for taking my place, for redeeming my life from sin and death, and for giving me eternal life with You.
What a day that will be when I see You face to face! Until then, please continue to be the center of my affections, the One who stays close, the One who is my all in all. Here is a simple chorus I’ve written just for You…
I need You in my heart,
I need You in my soul,
I need You in my life—
Everywhere that I go.
I need You, Lord.
Jesus, You are the light of my salvation, my sure path, and my gentle Shepherd. Continue leading me in the way I should go, holding me fast to Your good and precious promises. You have my heart now and always, My Savior, My Friend.
Gracious God, for everyone reading this today, I pray their hearts are filled with praise and worship of Your holy name. Encourage them to pick up a pen, letting the ink fill the pages with adoration today. Please assure them of Your love – Your steadfast love that never ceases. Truly, You are their First Love, the One their heart is dreaming of. In Your precious name, amen.
More Resources for Your Journey:
Do You Wonder if You Give Enough to Jesus?
A Prayer to Extend the Heart of Jesus
Photo Credit: ©Debby Hudson/Unsplash