The Bible is full of them – 66 books’ worth. Each is a light for life’s path. All are wisdom to keep us from sin. Sometimes we’re familiar with them, and sometimes we’re not.
They are scriptures of the Bible, the good, good word of God. It’s a book full of His wisdom. But sometimes focusing on the whole Bible can feel a bit overwhelming, especially when we’re newer in faith or simply focus better in life on a “few” things at time versus many.
I’m a little like that. I look around at others, watching them soak in much of God’s word. They have verse after verse memorized, a virtual Bible encyclopedia. It’s wonderful – for them. But I’m not like that. I have to take a few nuggets at a time and soak in them. It’s like a long walk versus a quick sprint. I’m the walker. Both the sprinter and I cover the same territory; we simply journey at different speeds.
Whether you’re a sprinter or a walker, like me, here are five scriptures to hold close throughout the year:
1. For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 WEB
Sometimes we can get so wrapped in our daily situations that we live as though we’ve plum forgotten heaven awaits, let alone the sacrifice that paved the way. We worry, grow anxious, take control and simply plow ahead with life. I’m raising my hand as one who’s all too often first in line.
However, something happens to our thoughts when heaven comes into focus. When we balance the daily “to do” on the fulcrum of the cross – Jesus’ sacrifice for the cause of love, it changes our outlook and often our responses.
2. He is before all things, and in him all things are held together. Colossians 1:17 WEB
This one simply offers the biggest blanket of security. He’s “got this.” Our God has things under control. After all, He came before us. He created it all – the whole shebang. What if we grab confidence and stick close to the One who holds things together, believing Colossians 1:17? Would that make this year look different?
3. I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 WEB
“Nothing” means – well, nothing. This verse brings an infant to mind. They’re helpless, capable of virtually nothing without the assistance of an able-bodied adult to feed, change, and carry them. But when they stay in the arms of their loved one, little ones go places inconceivable on their own.
When we remain connected to our Father, we also go and grow. We find spiritual nourishment and safety in His arms. Blossoms of love and joy begin to bud. Before we know it, those blossoms and others growing alongside them turn into spiritual fruit. It’s sweet, juicy spiritual goodness for His glory, often impacting others.
4. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Eph. 6:12 WEB
Why is it so easy to forget that spiritual battles rage? Hurt feelings, offense thrown our way, and jealous bouts can easily cause us to shake a finger against others. We blame people and “fight” accordingly.
Ephesians 6:12 changes the view, however. When it comes to mind, we remember to fight spiritually with prayer, praise, worship, and thanksgiving. We pick up the sword of God’s word and combat wickedness, not people.
5. In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6 WEB
Anxious thoughts can run rampant with busy schedules and stress-filled days. It’s easy to embrace an anxious heart. I’ve certainly been guilty. But there’s one verse that’ll pull us face-to-face with reality. It’s Philippians 4:6. Carrying this verse close in mind and memory can cause us to hit the caution button when anxiety comes calling. It’ll motivate us to flip the switch, turning on prayers, petitions, and thanksgiving, trusting God with our situation.
There’s power in each of these five verses. They are given to us by an all-knowing, more-than-capable, loving God – our Father. Imagine the words as though they were God’s hand grabbing ours for the journey ahead. So whether we’re a walker or a sprinter with the Bible, let’s gather these verses and hold them close this coming year.