Worrying about tomorrow is easier said than done, but possible when we commit to receiving God’s grace and mercy for each new day.
Restless nights. Tossing and turning. Sleep is choppy, and you’re looking at the clock thinking about all the things that didn’t get done today and the endless to-do list that waits for you when you wake up in the “morning.” We’ve all been there where there are fewer hours until dawn, but half the night has had you up restless and worrying. Despite our best attempts to turn “it” off, we find it difficult at times to rest our bodies, minds, and spirits. While being up in the middle of the night with our worries keeps us restless, God desires for us to surrender our worries to Him and not continually hold onto them. If you are currently in a season where worries keep you up at night, be encouraged. God wants you to exchange your worries for peace and restlessness for rest.
Here are five verses you can pray for comfort, encouragement, and rest when you have restless nights:
1. Philippians 4:6-7
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
Worry has us up in the middle of the night. We worry about something that didn’t get done yesterday or our endless to-do lists for tomorrow. We also worry about our children or how a particular situation will work out. While worrying is a natural emotion that we all face, it often disrupts our sleep and our peace. God instructs us to not worry but to present our requests to Him, and God will grant us peace. When our minds are spinning in the middle of the night, God wants us to come to Him in honest prayer.
As we continually practice surrendering our anxieties and worries to God, He promises to give us peace. We first must be willing to not carry our burdens by ourselves but cast them to the Lord. Today, I encourage you to surrender every worry over to God in prayer and continue to give God thanks for how He continues to cover you.
2. Matthew 11:28
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
Jesus knows we will grow weary because we have human limitations and were not designed to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders or on our minds. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus gives us a clear invitation to come to Him and lay our burdens down. We have restless nights because we haven’t fully decided to come to Jesus and lay our burdens down. When we start to fully lay our burdens down and trust God with the outcome, we will be able to sleep more peacefully. Our circumstances may not immediately change, but we can rest assured that God is in control and has worked out the situation that has us stressed out. Today, I invite you to come to God daily with all the joys, worries, and anxieties of your heart, and choose to rest in Him.
3. Proverbs 3:24
“When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” (Proverbs 3:24)
God desires for our sleep to be peaceful. Proverbs 3:24 reminds us that we should not be afraid and anxious when we lie our heads down at night. Our confidence should not be within our own strength or abilities solely to fix, resolve, or control a situation or outcome. We can sleep more peacefully when we continue to cast all our cares to the Lord, pray for God’s wisdom, and believe He will keep His promises. Many of the fears that we have are normal, but it is essential not to stay in a continual state of fear without surrendering those to God. As we pray, we can be honest with God about our fears and be grateful that He understands all that we go through. We are not alone when we are afraid because God is with us, helping us overcome them daily. Today, I invite you to surrender your fears daily to our capable God so that you can sleep peacefully at night.
4. Matthew 6:34
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)
Many times, when I wake up in the middle of the night, my mind is racing and consumed with what tasks must be completed the next day, week, or month. While I may be physically lying down, my mind and spirit are not at rest. In Matthew 6:34, we are reminded not to worry about tomorrow, because the present day has enough trouble of its own. We truly do miss out on enjoying and celebrating the beauty of each day and the present when we worry about every detail of the future. Worrying about tomorrow is easier said than done, but possible when we commit to receiving God’s grace and mercy for each new day. When we focus more on the present, we can give God thanks and praise for His numerous blessings and spend more quality time with God and those in our lives who matter most. Each day, we can practice appreciating the small and big gifts God provides daily.
5. Psalm 46:10
“He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10)
Being still is contrary to society’s emphasis on getting things done quickly. Being still doesn’t mean that we remain quiet and do nothing. It means that we calm our minds and be assured that God is leading and guiding us along the way. When we are still and confident that God is sovereign, it will help us to sleep more soundly at night. If you are having trouble being still and trusting God during this season, I invite you to take some time to remember God’s faithfulness. As you remember God’s faithfulness in the past, it will help you to trust God in the present and for the future. Being still is not a one-time occurrence, but it is a daily decision to trust God more. Today, I invite you to be still and pray to God for peace, allowing God to give you rest.
When doubt, fear, and worry attempt to keep you up at night, I invite you to take comfort in God’s Word that promises us rest and reassurance that God will always be with us. Instead of giving more energy and time to worrying about things we can’t control, let’s continue to pray to God for wisdom and peace to focus on the present, to cast our cares, and to be still. God wants us to come to Him with full confidence that He will continue to take care of us. With this assurance of God’s provision and protection, we can rest peacefully at night. God’s Word will carry us during times when we are restless at night, anxious in our minds, and weary in our souls. Be encouraged, and I invite you to depend on God’s leading and rest well.
Photo Credit: ©SWN