Those who trust in God can rely on His promises. They are for us as individuals and God’s people as a whole. These promises assure us of God’s goodness when we have faith in Him. They are for our spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.
The promises of God in the Bible are numerous. Many promises are to do with God’s plan of redemption, and fulfillment of these promises are seen throughout Scripture. Some of these promises are still to be fulfilled. However, these promises are not dependent on requirements being met, but on God’s mercy and goodness.
Other promises of God, however, are dependent on having a relationship with God. Those who trust in God can rely on His promises. They are for us as individuals and God’s people as a whole. These promises assure us of God’s goodness when we have faith in Him. They are for our spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.
Here are six situations in which you can find yourself, and a corresponding promise of God to have confidence in. Many of these promises may be familiar to you, so I have chosen less familiar translations or paraphrases to speak to you afresh.
1. When You’re in Over Your Head
God promises to rescue those who trust in Him. Over and over again the Psalms, in particular, attest to God’s assurance to save us from harm. David’s song, or psalm (see similarities to Psalm 18), in 2 Samuel 22:17 (NOG) says, “He reached down from high above and took hold of me. He pulled me out of the raging water.”
David knew what it was like to be in over his head. He spent many years on the run from Saul, intent on taking his life. Even after David was made king of Judah, hostilities continued between the households of David and Saul.
David teaches us a simple lesson of what to do when we are beyond the point of being able to cope. He affirms that God is capable of protecting those who trust Him and stay faithful to God’s ways, because He is a rock, fortress, deliverer, and rescuer (2 Samuel 22:2-7). David confirms repeatedly that we can call out to God for help (2 Samuel 22: 4,7).
When you are unable to deal with or control a difficult situation, you can turn to God and trust He will come to your aid.
Lord God, I am in over my head. As I put my trust in You, reach down from on high, and pull me out of the raging water. Amen.
2. When You Are Tired and Weary
God promises to give strength to those who trust in Him. Next to the Psalms, Isaiah extensively asserts that God gives strength to his people.
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” (Isaiah 40:29).
“Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength” (Isaiah 40:31 NLT).
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
About to be taken into exile in Babylon, God’s people were no doubt tired and weary from the attacks of the Babylonians and their impending captivity miles away from their homeland. Isaiah brought God’s words of hope when it was easy for the people to forget that God cared for them.
God’s promise extends to us today. When you are tired and weary, you can depend on God to hearten you and give you the energy you need.
Heavenly Father, I ask you to give me strength because I am weary. Amen
3. When You Are Hurting
God promises to heal those who turn to Him. “He heals the wounds of every shattered heart” says Psalm 147:3 (TPT).
Psalm 147 was written as a celebration of the rebuilding of Jerusalem when the people returned from exile in Babylon (Psalm 147:2). The exile not only meant being taken from their homeland, but suffering God’s punishment for their rebellion. Although the people were broken and hurting, God had not abandoned them. He promised to bring restoration.
God promises, in particular, to heal our hearts shattered from sin. When we cry to God in sorrow and regret, we receive forgiveness and a healed heart.
Lord God, heal my broken and hurting heart as I turn to you in repentance. Amen
4. When You Think of Yourself as “a Nobody”
God promises that those who trust in Him are always in His sight. “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” says Isaiah 49:16.
When the people of Israel felt forgotten by God – forsaken by him in their captivity – God brought through the words of Isaiah and the image of them being engraved on His hands.
As was the practice of people in ancient times to show zeal for their city or temple, they would have these images inscribed like tattoos on their hands. In the same way, this verse would remind the people of God’s everlasting commitment to them.
When you’re feeling insignificant, unsuccessful, or that nothing you do makes a difference, remember that you matter to God. You are more than just somebody to Him. The marks on His Son’s hands are a reminder of how much He loves you.
Lord God, when I feel like a nobody, I will remember that I have been chiseled into your hands through the sacrifice of Your Son. Amen
5. When You’re Teetering on the Edge
God promises to lead those who trust in Him so they do not fall. One example of this promise is from Habakkuk: “He makes me like a deer, which does not stumble. He leads me safely on the steep mountains” (Habakkuk 3:19, ICB).
Often the word “stumble” in the Bible is used in association with following or not following God’s path. Those who do not put their trust in God are described as stumbling in their ways. Those who have faith in God are like deer or mountain goats, able to walk without the fear of slipping or falling on precipitous mountain edges.
Chapter 3 of Habakkuk is a prayer where Habakkuk announced and confirmed his faith in God. Although he had questioned and doubted God (Habakkuk 1:1-4, 12-13), Habakkuk now trusted in God’s splendor and power. The instructions are for this prayer to be put to music.
If you are worried about something that is ahead or about to happen, find a worship song that you can use as a prayer to renew or place your faith in God while in your difficult situation.
6. When No One Is Able to Help
God promises to help those who trust in Him. “’Lord, help!’ they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress” (Psalm 107:13, NLT).
So many of the Psalms are, or begin as, cries for help. They teach us two things. One, that we should turn to God as our ultimate source of help. Two, that God is sovereign over all circumstances.
Psalm 107 teaches, in particular, that in all situations we can cry to God for help. It outlines a variety of conditions and an assortment of reasons where God helps (Psalm 104:4-32).
This beautiful Psalm also reminds us God sees every calamity, He is there through every circumstance. Our response should be one of humility to Him. We should recognize that He is the one to turn to for help, and that He does answer our cries and saves us from many situations. Then we can praise God.
Perhaps God has answered your cries for help in the past. You can cry out for help again today, praising Him and telling Him you trust Him.
Lord, as I come to you for help, I trust you to answer my cries and save me from my distress. Amen.
God Will Not Abandon You
There may be many other situations, apart from those above, that you may find yourself in today.
When life feels less than adequate, God promises to provide for you. “Even the strong and the wealthy grow weak and hungry, but those who passionately pursue the Lord will never lack any good thing” (Psalm 34:10, TPT).
When you feel like giving up, God promises you will not be defeated by the things that happen to you. “Even when bad things happen to the good and godly ones,” says Psalm 34:19 (TPT), “the Lord will save them and not let them be defeated by what they face.”
When you dread what’s ahead, God is by your side. “The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength” says 2 Timothy 4:17.
Familiarize yourself with God’s promises so you can be reassured day after day.
When you’re feeling alone, God promises to never leave you. He who keeps you will never take His eyes off you and never drifts off to sleep (Psalm 121:3, VOICE).
Photo credit: Unsplash/Josh Boot