A Grace Prayer to Pray with Your Family Before Meals

Meg Bucher

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.’ (Colossians 2:6-7 NIV)

Thankfulness is a proper expression of the strength we receive through faith in Jesus Christ. Our personal relationship with Him deepens our gratitude as we walk through life with Him. Families who honor God make known their appreciation for each other and God’s blessings. Dinnertime and saying grace before meals is a traditional time thank God. to When we thank Him out loud before meals, we are more likely to thank Him out loud in other areas of our lives, and are even more likely to be reminded to thank Him prayerfully throughout our day, every day.

“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:19-20 NIV)

The Bible speaks of the importance of constant thankfulness many times in Scripture. Find more verses on thankfulness here, and keep them handy to incorporate into daily prayers of thanks to God before meals, and beyond. Use these three grace prayers to invite God into your time. 

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A Breakfast Prayer


We praise You for this day, and Your purpose for it. Every day the sun rises at Your command, and you paint the most beautiful mornings. Whether the gray clouds cover the pink and purple sky, light still brings forth the day. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for another day! We know if we are up and breathing, You have a purpose and a place for us, and have given us people to love.

Guide us through this day, Father, keeping our hearts ready and our minds sharp. The Bible says, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV). May everything we do today honor You, God. Of all the things we want most to do and accomplish, let Your will come first. We know you love us, and want the best for us.

Thank You for this meal, Father. We get to begin the day by enjoying each other’s company, and by blessing our bodies with the nutrition You have provided for us. Bless it to our bodies and thank You for providing for our family through the talents and gifts You have given us. Empower us to work diligently with all You have given us to do. Bless us as we walk out into this day, Father. Only You know what lies ahead. Prepare our hearts, keep us safe, and guard us.

In Jesus’ Name,


Photo Credit: Brooke Lark/Unsplash

A Lunchtime Prayer


We take this break mid-day, remembering what we came together as a family this morning to thank You for. Halfway through the day, we pray for focus and strength to endure the rest of it. Whatever trouble or frustration the first half of today has brought us, we lift up to You.

You care for us, You see us, You hear us, and You love us. We are never alone, with Christ as our Savior. Whether at school, work, or recreation, bless all we do to honor You. The Bible says, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17 NIV). Help us to love those around us today well, Father. Inspire our hearts to work hard with all You have given us to do.

Thank You for this lunchtime meal. Where others in the world are wondering how they will make it through the day on mere morsels, we are refueled and nourished completely. Thank you for providing for us, Father. Bless this meal to our bodies and bless those going hungry today. Show us our place in this world, Father, to help where You need us to help, and love people where You need us to love. Bless and guide the rest of our day, Father.

In Jesus’ Name,


Photo Credit: Kerkez/Thinkstock

A Dinnertime Prayer


We praise You for a day that is almost complete. As the sun goes down, let us resolve all anger and frustration, and bring our focus to how good You are and how blessed our lives are. We do not know what each day will hold, but You do.

Let us come to You now, knowing You care about us. Father, You are faithful to uphold us in good times and bad, and we thank You for the faithful and loving Father You are. Bless us as we come and go from our activities this evening. Help us to honor You even in the last tired moments of the day. The Bible says, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful” (Colossians 3:15 NIV). Let the peace of Christ rule our hearts tonight, and always.

Thank You for this meal, Father. Again, we are reminded of those who suffer starvation in this world, and remember them in our hearts and prayers. Show us how to help the poor and suffering in our communities, and throughout the world. Thank You for this time together, to nourish not only our bodies but our relationships with each other. Thank You for our family, Father. For we know You place us purposefully in this life because You know it’s not good for us to be alone.

Let us take the love we cherish as a family and infuse it into our community and beyond. Bless the closing of this day, Father. Forgive all our faults, mistakes, sins, and missteps. Search our hearts for anything that does not reflect and honor You. Create us anew and let the lessons of today sink into rich wisdom to build sturdy foundations of faith and truth. Bless and keep us safe in our travels this evening and our sleep throughout the night. Keep our bodies healthy and strong, our minds sharp, and our hearts ready.

In Jesus’ Name,


Megs” writes about everyday life within the love of Christ. She stepped out of her comfort zone, and her Marketing career, to obey God’s call to stay home and be “Mom” in 2011. From that step of obedience her blog, Sunny&80, was born, a way to retain the funny everyday moments of motherhood. Meg is also a freelance writer and author of “Friends with Everyone.”  She loves leading her Monday morning Bible study, being a dance mom, distance running and photography. Meg resides in Northern Ohio with her husband, two daughters, and Golden-Doodle … all avid Cleveland Browns fans. 

This article is part of our Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

Serenity Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
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Morning Prayers
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Photo credit: Monkey Business Images

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