God’s Word tells us that “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16). As we pray under the righteousness of Jesus, it’s an incredible privilege to intercede on behalf of our children and dedicate them to our Lord and Savior.
Psalm 139:13-14 reads, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” These powerful words reveal the value of human life. We were “knit” together in our mother’s womb by our Creator God!
Because of how God cherishes each life, Christ-followers desire to follow His example and to show our children the way of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6). A powerful way for a family to nurture a journey of faith is through baby dedication prayers.
This article cannot cover the depths of how God directs us to pray for our little ones. Still, hopefully, the following baby dedication prayers will provide a springboard to approaching our Heavenly Father in prayer over the tiniest, most vulnerable in our lives.
Photo Credit: Angela Duxbury/Unsplash

10 Baby Dedication Prayers for Your New Baby
Father, as I hold this precious little one, I praise You for the gift of life. I stand in awe of Your design and purpose for this child. As I seek to love and nurture our new baby, may I model Ephesians 2:10—“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Lord Jesus, in humble gratitude, my heart sings for joy over the privilege of serving You through parenthood. With my whole heart, I ask for wisdom and discernment to guide this baby in Your ways. May I consistently point to Your Truth and Your Word.
Father God, Your Word says that fear and reverence of You is the beginning of all wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). I pray this baby will grow in grace and knowledge of Your ways and that he will have a sense of awe and respect in Your presence.
Heavenly Father, as I pray over this little one, my heart’s desire is for this child to develop a hunger for You. May she never be satisfied with shallow living but instead seek the deep things of Your heart and ways. I pray she will keep a heart of humility and submission before You (James 4:10).
Father, Your Word says that the pure in heart are blessed (Matthew 5:8). I pray this child will yearn for a life of purity and holiness, and that the joy of her heart will come from walking in step with You.
Lord, I pray for my child to maintain a sense of purpose, that he will fix his gaze on You and Your will (Proverbs 4:25). May the things of this world leave him empty and thirsty for the real life found only in You.
Oh, Creator God, Your Word speaks of how You gift and empower Your people to serve and glorify You (Romans 12:8). I pray this baby will grow and live to be all You created her to be—that she will seek and discover her uniqueness and will serve You with her gifts and talents.
Dear Father, as the prophet Elijah learned to listen and wait for Your “still, small voice” (1 Kings 19:12), I ask that our baby learn to distinguish Your loving voice from the chaos of this world. May Your heart whispers become more precious than gold to her!
Father God, the warrior Joshua challenged the Israelite people to choose You over pagan gods (Joshua 24:15). Father, my greatest longing is for this tiny bundle to grow and to wholeheartedly choose You—Your heart, Your will, Your purposes.
Heavenly Father, may my life be a living testimony to this child. May I be a source of love and security—a haven from the ever-changing world around us. And Father, I know I will make mistakes. But even in my weakness, may I always point to You as the source of true life and joy.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Fizkes

10 Baby Dedication Prayers for A Relative’s Baby
Thank you, Lord, for Your faithfulness to our family. This little bundle from You multiplies our joy! Over the coming months and years, please draw her tiny heart to Yours and use her in Your Kingdom. Give her a willingness to surrender her will, to keep short accounts with You, and to remain open to godly sorrow and repentance.
Creator God, I pray for this little family to seek Your heart and to bring up this child in Your ways—in the “way that he should go” (Proverbs 22:6).
Lord, I pray for my relatives to have strength, stamina, and courage as they seek to love and nurture this new life. And may I provide Christ-centered support and encouragement on their journey.
Oh, Father, how You continue to bless our family! Thank you for this fresh-from-Heaven treasure. You are truly our blessed Creator and Sustainer. With great joy, I lift this little one in prayer and ask for Your blessing and provision.
Father God, You call Your children to a life of holiness (1 Peter 1:16). I pray this new addition to our extended family will someday choose to commit fully to You. May he soon realize that his only hope and fulfillment are found in a life lived for Your glory.
Heavenly Father, as she grows into adulthood, may this child be utterly dissatisfied with the lure of this world. May she hunger and thirst for You alone! (Matthew 5:6)
Lord Jesus, may this treasured child soon learn that You are our source of contentment in all circumstances (Philippians 4:13). In seasons of difficulty and in times of joy, may his first response be to open his heart before You and to lean on Your faithfulness.
Father, I pray for this little one to hunger for righteousness and to walk with integrity. May she stand on the foundation of Your Word and be an example to others of living in holiness.
Father God, I pray for this new little gift—that he will develop a heart of godliness and a willingness to change in response to Your conviction on his life. In accordance with Your perfect will, please mold and shape this precious family member to be more like You.
Precious Jesus, my Rock, and my Salvation, I pray for a spirit of courage for this child—for a fearless reliance on Your precepts and promises. Your Word is clear that we are Your workmanship and that You have plans and purposes for Your creation (Ephesians 2:10). Convict my heart to take every opportunity to remind this new member of our family of Your love. And thank you, Jesus, for Your many blessings on our family.
Photo Credit: Tim Bish/Unsplash

10 Baby Dedication Prayers for Your New Grandbaby
Precious Father, how is it possible for my “baby” to be holding her own little one? Thank you for this amazing gift! You have given me joy beyond measure! I pray for peace for this little family—and for this new life to bring delight and honor to Your loving heart.
Father God, help me to be a steadfast source of support and encouragement for my grandchild. Help me model a life of godliness and contentment (1 Timothy 6:6).
Lord Jesus, I ask that as my grandbaby grows and matures, she will not become weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9). I pray she develops a lifestyle of servanthood—with a tender heart that overflows with love and concern for others.
Father, according to James 1:8, I pray that my grandbaby will never become mired in a double-minded life, and that he will be consistent in his walk with You. I praise You for Your call on his life.
Creator God, I praise You that our darling grandchild is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Your work of creation is truly wonderful! In the coming years, convict my heart to remind our precious one of Your design and purpose for her life.
Lord, I pray that this grandbaby will grow and feed on Your Word and that he will choose a personal relationship with You. May he be so in tune with Your heart that he can distinguish Your loving voice from the voices of this world.
Father, may this little one walk with purpose as he responds to Your call to service. As You infuse him with your Holy Spirit, give him the courage to say, “Here I am, send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).
Heavenly Father, I pray for godly friendships for our grandchild. May she choose her companions wisely and seek to honor You with her relationships. And may her friendships provide Christ-centered growth and encouragement instead of worldly distractions.
Lord, as I pray over this tiny treasure, I ask that as she grows, she will run from anything that would cause You pain. I pray she will be faithful and loyal to You and that—like Ruth to Naomi—she will be steadfast of heart (Ruth 1:16).
I pray, dear Father, that this child will develop a heart for others and that he will be open and sensitive to the needs around him. I ask that my grandchild see others through Your eyes and will be the first to take pity on those less fortunate (Luke 10:33).
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Kuzmichstudio
Originally published Tuesday, 12 July 2022.