I was taught that facing any situation tomorrow would be possible because God would always be with us. ‘Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.’
When I hear or read ‘because He lives I can face tomorrow,’ songs I learned in my youth come flooding back into my thoughts. I remember standing beside my Daddy during worship service, the sound of his deep voice singing praises to God. Daddy was teaching me of the love of God through his singing voice. Through trials and sorrows, through joys and happiness, I was taught that facing any situation tomorrow would be possible because God would always be with us. ‘Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.’
Yet is this specific statement found in Scripture? Or do we, as Christians, have faith that because Jesus lives, we can face any circumstance? How does Scripture teach us to have hope and face tomorrow?
What Does ‘Because He Lives I Can Face Tomorrow’ Mean?
Having faith and trust in God allows the believer to know that whatever happens, we are not alone. God is always a constant in our lives. Troubled times will come. God never promised a rosy and carefree path in this earthly life. God did promise He would always be with us. He did promise to cover us with His love and glory. God promises that those who believe in Him will live with Him forever (John 11:25-26 NIV). Jesus shared that He is the resurrection and the life.
Each person faces the possibility of a time filled with joy or a time filled with sorrow. God knows the plans He has for His children. We may not know what the day holds but God knows. In recognizing that God is in control and that we can place our faith and trust in the Holy Father, we can face today and tomorrow. We will go through times of uncertainty and times of questioning why something is or is not happening. God knows our hearts. He loves us.
Scripture shares how we can look for joy in our trials because we know our faith is being strengthened (James 1:2-3 NIV).
Perhaps you have faced a medical procedure to diagnose a condition and you felt hopeless. Maybe you or a family member or friend has experienced a time of feeling lost and full of despair. Rest assured you are not alone. Reach out to God. Give Him your concerns. Give Him your praises.
Remember that God gave His only Son Jesus Christ so that we may face tomorrow and live in Him.
What Is the Origin of This Phrase?
Have you seen the signs, memes, notes, and more at Easter with the words ‘He Is Risen”? Shortly before Easter, the words “Sunday is Coming” are shared all over social media and other places. On Easter morning, Christians around the world proclaim the good news of the Gospel. Christ is Risen! He is no longer in the tomb.
Thursday before Easter, we begin with Maundy Thursday, referring to Jesus and the Last Supper with the disciples. Good Friday remembers the day Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, dead and buried. A solemn day.
As Jesus was taken down from the cross, wrapped and buried in a tomb, mourners began the process of grieving. Yet, Sunday was about to change everything.
Scripture tells of the women going to the tomb to anoint His body with special oils. When the tomb was opened, Jesus was not there. He had risen! What a wondrous event! Jesus Christ had fulfilled Scripture. He had risen from the tomb.
Songs, poems, devotions, and more have been written about the day He rose from the grave. God’s plan for His Son was being fulfilled as some people believed and others questioned.
Even today, there are believers and those who still have questions.
As children of the one true God, we can find peace and comfort in knowing God loves us so much that He gave His only Son so that we might live with Him forever (John 3:16 NIV).
Who first created this phrase ‘because He lives I can face tomorrow’? Can we learn and grow in faith by believing that we can face tomorrow because He lives? Yes! Hallelujah!
Is This Phrase Biblical?
Yes. As Christians, we can face any situation knowing God is with us, loving us, and carrying us in His loving arms. Does that mean we won’t face turmoil or pain? No. Scripture tells us that trouble will come. In those times of trial, go to the Father. Reach out to Him and lean into His loving arms. Have faith that whatever comes, God will guide you through each moment (Philippians 4:6 NIV).
Is there a Scripture specifically stating the words “because He lives I can face tomorrow’? No. The Bible provides messages of hope. The Bible provides lessons learned by those people who didn’t follow God. Also, lessons were learned by people who did listen to the word of God and obeyed His commandments.
In numerous verses of Scripture, we can see how the faith of His people grew during their trials and tribulations. The Bible shares about Job and the constant sadness in his life. Yet, Job was determined to follow God.
Think about the woman with a bleeding condition that had continued for many years. She knew that by touching the hem of the garment of Jesus, she would be healed. That brave woman knew she could face tomorrow because of Jesus.
Have you been in a situation when your full trust was placed in God? Something traumatic may have happened but you knew that because of the love God has for His children, you would be able to continue and face tomorrow.
Reading Scripture every day can help our relationship with God grow and strengthen. Trust in the Lord and lean on Him (Proverbs 3:5 NIV).
20 Ways We Can Face Tomorrow with the Hope of the Bible
Begin each day with prayer.
End each day with prayer.
Pray during the night.
Read the Bible.
Write or type verses of Scripture that provide comfort in times when hope is needed.
Pray and ask God for His help and guidance.
Thank God for His constant presence in every moment.
Choose hope instead of worry.
Remember God is in control. We can trust Him.
Know that you are not alone in any situation. God is with you.
Listen to worship music based on Scripture.
Ask for help. Whether professional, clergy, family, or friend, ask for help.
Learn about people in the Bible who have faced trials and relied on the hope of God.
Remember we don’t have all the answers. Only God knows everything.
Rely on His Word and His promises.
Look for ways to share the hope of the Bible with others.
Read John 3:16.
Place all trust and faith in the Father, knowing He is listening and hearing prayers.
God calls us to love others. Helping others can bless everyone and bring hope.
Remember you are a child of God.
There may be times when hope seems lost. During those times, go to the Father and pour out your heart and soul. He loves you and will provide the comfort and peace needed. Place your hope in Him.
During times when you are filled with the hope and promises of the Lord, share those wonderful times with others.
We can face tomorrow with hope because of the promises of God. Yes, we can face tomorrow with hope because He lives. We are His creations, and He cares deeply for each person. Amen.
Blessings and hope,
Melissa Henderson
Photo credit: Ben White/Unsplash
Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister.
Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and at http://www.melissaghenderson.