Our fear causes us to wonder if God really hears or cares. We need comforting prayers to pray before and after a test.
Hearing the word “test” can create stress and tension for a variety of reasons. We might remember those early-in-life spelling quizzes and finals. Or our minds might immediately think of the blood work that our doctor ordered or the MRI results that proved inconclusive. Then there are the kind of tests that are challenging to our character—we feel tempted to overreact with anger, for instance. We know the best thing we can do is offer our prayer for a test asking for His comforting, both before and after the test. Yet at times our minds are paralyzed, and we can’t think of anything to pray. Or our fear causes us to wonder if God really hears or cares. We need comforting prayers to pray before and after a test.
Here are ideas for seeking God’s comfort and help whenever we are facing any kind of test. We hope they encourage you to seek God and trust Him even more because we are commanded, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7 NIV).
What Does the Bible Say about Tests? - Prayer for a Test
Regardless of the kind of test, the Bible says every one of them is meant for our good, our growth, and our trust in God which will give Him glory (Romans 8:28). It might be hard to find a Scripture verse that specifically talks about taking a test in school, but regardless, God always wants us to view the Bible as applicable for every test or challenge we face in life.
For instance, James 1:2-5 assures us.
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that You may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (ESV).
God knows that after we read that, we might think of God as some mean Being who loves putting obstacles in our paths, wanting us to fail. So as James continues to write under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he writes,
“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire” (James 1:12-14 ESV).
Look at verse 12 more carefully. The phrase “stood the test” is based on the Greek word δόκιμος dokimos and has a positive goal, which in this case, is the crown of life. Other Scripture indicates the result will be aspects of the abundant life like the fruit of the Spirit: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23 ESV).
In contrast, the word “tempted” in the Greek is πειράζω peirazō, which includes the idea of trying to trap.
So here’s the difference. A test is God’s opportunity for us to grow in trust in Him and is motivated by His desire for our good, spiritual growth, and His glory. On the other hand, a temptation sometimes comes from Satan and other times from our own evil desires and is intended to create failure, distrust of God, and a lack of confidence that God wants the best for us. As a result, we react in ungodly ways like anger, worry, discontent, and self-hatred.
This knowledge will help us be more willing to reach out to God by praying before, during, and after a test. As a result, we will feel comforted, confident, and learn how to more consistently trust in God.
Prayer for a Test in School
A Prayer for Taking an Exam at School or College
Father God, I’m about to take this test and I’ve studied but my brain and heart are telling me I won’t remember what I studied. Please comfort me with the knowledge You know I sincerely studied. Therefore, even if my test results don’t indicate that what matters is You know the truth. I was faithful. I don’t need to contribute to my tension by being worried about what other people think of me. I ask that You will calm me right now by Your Spirit who is overcoming my fears. Bring to my mind what I’ve learned. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
A Prayer for When I Didn’t Study
Help, Lord God Almighty! I confess I didn’t study as I intended. Comfort me with the assurance Your Word says that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me. I ask that in the future You will give me more self-control and wisdom in using my time more wisely. Please reveal the underlying reasons why I avoid studying. Even though I’d love to see success on this test, I ask You to use the results to empower me to do the right thing in the future. In Your Name, I pray, Amen.
A Prayer for a Medical Test
Lord, I’m so scared. Right now, it feels like my whole future is disintegrating—that I won’t even have a future. I want to live. I want to be with my family. I want to continue serving You and showing others how wonderful You are. But right now, all I can think of is the bad news I think this test will reveal. And it seems like there’s no hope.
Thank You for bringing to my mind right now that as Jesus faced being tortured, mocked, and then hung on a cross to die a horrible death, He also experienced many emotions in His humanity. Right now, as my heartbeat is slowing down, I’m more comforted knowing You know what I’m feeling and I’m inspired by seeing Jesus’ example of confidence in You, His Father.
Thank You that Your Word says You are praying for me right now with compassion and empathy. Thank You for the comfort I feel right now. I don’t know what this test will reveal, but I know it’s no secret to You and You’ve known the course of my life from eternity.
I believe You know best for my future. You love me, my family, and those who love me. Of course, I pray that this test will prove there is nothing wrong. But just as Jesus prayed, “Yet not as I will, but as You will,” I also surrender to You. Lord, I am Yours. I trust You. Thank You for this confidence and comfort You’ve given me. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.
A Prayer for Comfort as My Friend has Misunderstood Me
Precious Lord, my heart is hurting so much. A dear friend misunderstood my intentions and now it seems like we’ll never be close friends again. I feel so voiceless that my explanations aren’t heard. I feel like a little child who isn’t considered important. Father, can You please give us both Your comfort and peace during this test of our characters? I care about her. Please guide me if there’s more I should do. I’m willing but I also fear the rejection of those old childhood lies when I wasn’t important. I didn’t know then how to believe You valued me but now I do. You care about this friendship, and I know You’ll do the right thing for Your own glory. Comfort my heart with an assurance You know my heart and You know hers. Lead and guide us both. We both love You. In Jesus’ strong Name I pray, Amen.
A Prayer for a Test in the Aftermath
Precious Lord, the test is over! I can’t believe it. I thought it would never end. Thank You so much for showing me Your faithfulness even when I didn’t perfectly trust in You. Even though at times my stress level was high, You persevered and didn’t give up. I can look back now and see how You gently guided me and strengthened me. Oh, thank You! I trust that I’ll receive Your comfort even more in the future. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Short Prayers for Tests
Father God, I’m sitting in the classroom looking at the test and it’s like my eyes can’t even focus and my brain can’t think. Clear up my confusion and give me confidence You are right here with me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Oh Lord God Almighty, I’m here in this MRI tube with all the banging noise. I want to escape. Help me relax. You tell me in Your Word to be anxious for nothing. I ask for Your supernatural peace right now. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Dearest Savior, I’m being asked to make a decision for my job right now and I’m not sure what You want me to do. I think You’re telling me what to do but I’m afraid if I’m not hearing correctly, the rest of my life will be negatively affected. Wow. Thank You, Lord. I see the lie in that. You can redeem anything and everything. Nothing is hopeless with You. I’m going to go in the direction I think You’re leading me and trust even if I’ve heard incorrectly, You can cover the mistake and even bring good out of it. Thank You for Your comfort and confidence infusing my heart and mind. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer for a Test and Success
Heavenly Father, You know I want to shine for Your glory by making a good score on this test. That is my desire in all I do. Please comfort my heart right now to believe You know exactly what will bring You the most glory, even if it means not having success. The world says only a perfect score is valuable. But You document many examples of Your children failing in different kinds of tests and in the end, You were actually more glorified that way. You used the Apostle Peter, King David, Moses, Abraham, Adam and Eve, and many others.
Even Jesus’ death on the cross was viewed as failure and Satan thought he was successful. But You knew Your plan for ultimate victory and Your glory. Thank You for reminding me of this heavenly truth, dear Lord. I will do my best in Your power and leave the results to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Which of these prayers can you pray today for God’s comfort during and after a test? Be assured God is wanting to answer your prayer for comfort. He cares about you and is actually more involved than you can imagine. If these kinds of prayers are awkward, don’t give up. Keep asking for comfort and confidence in your great God.
Further Reading
8 Encouraging Prayers for Students During Exams
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Sasirin Pamai
She also is an internationally traveled speaker and loves to share the hope of heart change, abundant living, and eternal life. She has been Larry’s wife since 1970, and is a mom of two and grandma of two. Website/blog: www.
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This article is part of our larger Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
Prayer for God's Help
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Prayer for Protection
Morning Prayers
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