Do You Crave Scripture?

Jennifer Stasak

No matter where you grew up, you probably remember that sound vividly. On a warm summer afternoon, you may have heard it faintly around a street corner — the gentle, whimsical chime of the ice cream truck.

As your ears perked up, you madly rustled through your pants pockets and dresser drawers for dollar bills and spare change, racing outside to purchase your favorite treat.

In the heat of summer, cold ice cream provides a kind of comfort that makes the afternoon more bearable. And the truth is that most of us still crave ice cream as soon as we hear the song in the distance.

Ice cream is a treat — a thing to be enjoyed and savored! In Scripture, the psalmist compares the Word of God to a sweet treat. Psalm 119:103 says, “How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey” (NLT).

God intended Scripture to be a delight for us; it is both a thing of substance and a source of enjoyment. Scripture was given for us to know God and have a deeper, more satisfying relationship with him.

But how often do we treat the Bible like a plate of vegetables that our parents forced us to eat rather than a refreshing, sweet dessert?

I think that God gave us imagery of spiritual hunger and thirst (Psalm 42:2; John 4:13-14; John 6:35, etc.) for a reason — he knew it would be something that resonated with us. (And if your stomach is already rumbling as you read this, my point is made!)

If we’re honest, we can admit that we sometimes see the act of reading the Bible as a chore; like being forced to finish our broccoli before we leave the dinner table to go play. I’m guilty of this. If I’m not careful, reading God’s Word can become just another thing on my checklist of things to do.

But if I’m able to look at God’s Word as a true source of nourishment that’s actually delicious, it’ll be something that I crave — not something I begrudge.

How can we even begin to do that? I think it starts with the realization of why God’s Word matters to me.

John 1:1 tells us that the Word is so much more than a book. It’s actually a person — God’s son, Jesus. He embodies the truth, the hope, and the ultimate fulfillment of salvation and abundant life found in the Scriptures.

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament tell the story of Jesus from before time began to his eternal kingdom. St. Augustine said that “the new is the old concealed; the old is the new revealed.” 2 Timothy 3:16 reminds us that “all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful …” (NLT).

When we learn to see God’s Word as more than just a book, or a set of rules, we’ll begin to understand its significance and importance. If we’re able to look at the Bible as the embodiment of Jesus himself, we can see our interaction with it as relational rather than obligational.

And if we can see God’s Word as the foundation of our lives and journeys as believers, we’ll be able to engage with it on an entirely new level. There’s so much sweetness to uncover in Scripture — even in the most unexpected places, like the Book of Leviticus. (I heard that groan.)

Leviticus doesn’t sound fun or enjoyable like ice cream. But here’s the delight that many miss: Hidden in the rules and regulations are clues to the promised Messiah. Jesus, the atoning Lamb of God, is revealed over 1,400 years before he comes to earth. Now that’s an exciting find! To me, it’s like discovering that ooey gooey brownie bite in a scoop of triple fudge ice cream.

RELATED: 6 Sweet Ways to Study Scripture" - Download the W.O.R.D. Method now!

There are so many more flavors of delight in God’s Word for you to discover. So let’s look at a few.

Vanilla is popular for a reason — it’s a little rich, but smooth and satisfying. It’s actually a lot like the Psalms. There isn’t a topic of life not covered by the Psalms: love, hate, betrayal, depression, abandonment, victory, defeat, death, sadness, sickness. The list goes on. Are you hurting? Are you angry? Are you curious about finding clues about Jesus? Find comfort and confidence in the Psalms.

Or maybe you’re a fan of cake batter ice cream … with sprinkles, of course. Sprinkles make ice cream a party, after all. And, like sprinkles on cake batter ice cream, God’s Word is rich in celebration. From the gatherings of the Acts church to the marriage supper of the Lamb, feasting and celebration are integral parts of the life of faith. These pops of perspective and brightness can totally lift your spirit.

Maybe ice cream isn’t your thing. Standing in front of the ice cream truck, you’d actually ask for a scoop of rainbow sherbet. Whether you’re three or 93, those vibrant colors and bright flavors bring instant delight.

The same is true for God’s rainbow promise. In Genesis 6-8, God saves Noah and his family from a worldwide flood. When it’s over, he makes a covenant with Noah to never again destroy the world with a flood. The reminder of his promise kept is the rainbow we all enjoy after the rain.

You can search through the Word to find God’s promises for all kinds of situations in your life. He will fight for you (Exodus 14:14). He will give you strength (Isaiah 40:29). He will give you wisdom (James 1:5). These are just a few of the promises you’ll find.

A study of God’s promises is a delightful Bible treasure hunt. Write them down as you discover them and they’ll leave a sweet taste each time you recall them.

Whatever flavor you’re craving, God’s Word has something for you. And unlike the ice cream truck, which will run out of dessert eventually, the delights are endless and the portions plentiful.

So ask yourself this: “Do I crave Scripture?”

Do you see it as a dessert? Or do you see it as broccoli? Maybe you haven’t really seen it as either of those. Or maybe you don’t know what God’s Word tastes likes because you’ve never really tried it before.

Start with a physical copy or a digital app of the Bible. Then choose a “flavor” of study that works for you. You could join a Bible study, get a workbook where you fill in the blanks, or use a repeatable step-by-step method that allows for self-paced study through the Word.

If you’re still thinking about ice cream, you can download a fun e-book featuring six different study methods — each paired with a (shocker!) ice cream flavor to make study a little bit sweeter. Check out 6 Sweet Ways to Study Scriptureand find your flavor! 

Jennifer Stasak is a senior writer in the Marketing department of Wycliffe USA in Orlando, Florida. Ever since she can remember, she's loved stories and is thrilled that she gets the chance to tell them for a living. When she's not writing, Jennifer is most likely found near a cup of coffee, volunteering in her church or running races.

Photo Courtesy: Unsplash/Rachael Gorjestani

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