Does My Opinion on Ukraine Matter?

Alicia Searl

Contributing Writer
Published Apr 06, 2022
Does My Opinion on Ukraine Matter?

In my opinion, there are enough opinions to go around. So, does my opinion matter? Well, it does me. But, it may not to anyone else, and that’s okay. Why? Because we don’t live for opinions. We live for Truth. 

My knowledge and understanding of the war on Ukraine and the history that encompasses it isn’t very deep. In all honesty, I am kicking myself now for not paying more attention in history class. Sigh. But, that still hasn’t stopped me from digging for answers. The only problem is I’m not really finding any. The rabbit hole I’ve gone down is now leading me to believe that Godzilla could strike with vengeance at any time now.

But, before I go any further, let me start by saying, like many, my heart deeply hurts for those who have been affected by this war. Those seeking shelter, moms and children escaping the violence, fathers separating from their families to fight for their country. That being said, I would like to be upfront in letting you know this is not going to be an opinion piece on Ukraine. In my opinion, there are enough opinions to go around.

So, does my opinion matter? Well, it does me. But, it may not to anyone else, and that’s okay. Why? Because we don’t live for opinions. We live for Truth. And we are all desperately seeking it only to find it’s getting lost in the shuffle of mass-produced media spewing their take, spin, view, and what have you, aiming them toward an already-restless society. 

Unfortunately, we are being submerged by what everyone thinks and feels rather than what is truly happening. This fear and feeling-based narrative is causing a lot of confusion, often making us question what is really true. It has left many searching for answers, only to end up feeling helpless, or, unfortunately, even hopeless. It seems as if we’ve all gone down this endless trail that is now wrapping around us like a snake choking out the truth. 

Do you seeing what is happening here? Satan is at work overtime. He is causing confusion. He is distorting the story right before our eyes. He is causing conflict and wars. And not just in Ukraine but all over the world, including inside the walls of our own homes.

Fellow believers, we must take a stand for something, or we will fall for anything. Where do you stand? Where is your foundation set? If it’s found in a certain news channel or in the opinion of others, you will go down a path that will lead you to all the wrong places. I speak from experience from the rabbit hole I ventured in as I began researching for this article. But here is what I have come to terms with: When it comes to my view on Ukraine, nothing maters more to me than seeking solace in a God that is just, good, and righteous.

When times are uncertain, and the world wants to declare for us to surrender, let’s turn to Scripture and see what our merciful God has to say about our growing concerns. 

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6.

This verse has been one I have held onto tightly for many years. In 2009, after the birth of our middle daughter, I got a call from my dear grandmother. I was unable to get to the phone due to tending to the baby, so she left a message. As I sat rocking my fussy little one, I could hear her sweet voice echo from the living room into the nursery. She started by saying “Goodbye.” At the beautiful age of 91, she occasionally got her words mixed up, but in that moment, while she proceeded to tell me how much she loved me, I sensed something was different. I assured myself I’d call her back later, but never did. A few days later she was involved in a tragic accident that led her to meet her Savior. While I never got a chance to officially say “goodbye” to her, deep in my heart, I know God gave me that message to remember her fondly. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 gave me so much comfort as I mourned my grandmother. It was also one of her favorite verses and she referred to it often when times were difficult. As a woman that had been through so much in her life and sought challenges by kneeling before God, she was a beautiful example of submitting to the Lord in all circumstances.

Dear friends, we may not understand why things happen, but we can find hope in knowing that God not only knows exactly what is happening, but He holds a plan. The perfect plan hinges on His sovereignty and omniscience (all-knowingness). Trusting Him should bring us comfort and peace. Then it should move us to action. Knowing that our days are numbered (Job 14:5) should remind us to seek God and His wisdom to change our course if needed. It should also motivate us to use the time we do have more wisely. Snuggle your babies a little tighter. Laugh with your spouse a little more. Call your loved ones and tell them you love them. Act now, because we really are never guaranteed another day. 

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" Matthew 24:6-7.

As believers, we need to hold tightly to the hope found in this verse, especially during times in which wars are literally raging all over the world. But just to be clear, war has, and always will be, a problem because will live in a fallen world. There will always be leaders seeking more power, people committing heinous acts of violence, and even conflicts rising up within families. Jesus warns us that wars will happen, and indeed have to happen. But the hope offered to us through this verse tells us to not be alarmed.

As we get closer to the end times every single day, we have a choice to make. To stand firm on the Rock (Psalm 18:1-3, 2 Samuel 22:2, Deuteronomy 32:4) or to fall into the sinking sand. Now is our time to live boldly. And right now, for the people of Ukraine and all over the world, we can be faithful by praying for the hurting and lost. We can ask God to use us in ways to reach people who need to know Him. We mustn’t focus too much on the end times, but rather, we should shift our focus to how we can be the salt and light and stand firm in our faith in a world that is growing ever so dim. (Matthew 5:16)

"How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings" Psalm 36:7.

Lastly, we need to protect our children and their innocence. There are many underlining issues that are bubbling up from this war. Our role as their parents is to shield their hearts and minds. Unfortunately, due to the tech age they live in, our children are being exposed to more information than ever before. Depending on their age, they may ask questions, and some may come with uncomfortable answers that you aren’t sure how to address. Thankfully, we have a source to always turn to. We need to point our children to verses that help them remember God is in control and He is protecting them. 

Needless to say, we need to arm our children with the Word of God now more than ever before. We need to remind them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), that Jesus loves little children and sees to protect them (Luke 18:16), and that they are called to set their eyes on God, not on things of this world (Colossians 3:2).

Etch these verses and other go-to Scriptures in their hearts so they can lean on them later. Have them memorize a verse or post them all around your home. By equipping them with Truth, they become warriors for God. And, in these unsettling times, we never know when there may be a time that they will have to stand up and stand firm for what is right and true.

Friend, will you stand with me? In a world that is desperately hurting, will you choose to walk the path of unwavering faith by trusting God? Will you be a light by spreading the Good News to those who need hope? And will you lead and guide your precious children back to the Word to protect their childhood? We can make a difference. We can tune out the opinions of this world and seek the only One who matters. Let’s live boldly in these times and declare the Truth!

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Alexey Furman/Stringer

Alicia SearlAlicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.