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God's Deepest Desires for You

Emmanuel Abimbola

Emmanuel Abimbola

Contributing Writer
Published Dec 31, 2024
God's Deepest Desires for You

It's not just about accumulating; it's about becoming. And frankly, that's far more interesting.

Okay, so let's talk about this blessing thing. As Christians, we hear this all the time, the whole prosperity gospel—a veritable deluge of promises about overflowing bank accounts and a life lived in luxurious comfort. And look, there's nothing inherently bad about acknowledging God's generosity.

But is that it? Is a fat bank account the ultimate divine goal? Is that what keeps God up at night? Honestly? Nope, not a chance. While he’s certainly not against us having a new car or a nice vacation, his heart is yearning for something more. Something more profound than a five-star resort or the newest iPhone.

We're talking about a relationship—a genuine, sincere, and profound relationship with God. The kind that, despite making you laugh, cry, and occasionally question everything, leaves you feeling totally loved. That’s the real treasure. 

Knowing Him, loving fiercely, and walking hand in hand with grace are the true riches. 

Let's dive into some of the genuine desires that God has for us beyond the material wealth and riches:

Beyond the Surface: Unveiling the Heart of God

So, let's ditch the simplistic prosperity gospel—that whole God's a heavenly vending machine thing. Because, honestly, it seems absurd to think of God as a divine ATM who just bestows wealth at will. The Bible portrays a much richer picture. God desires connection and soulful conversation with us. Instead of simply giving away wealth, He wants a relationship—the kind that makes your heart sing.

We can confirm this from the scripture: Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Would you trade a truly meaningful connection with someone you adore for money? Probably not. Pursuing wealth without a sincere faith is completely unsteady; it's like attempting to build a castle on a marshmallow. You may experience a brief rush of excitement, a kind of sugar rush, but it will eventually topple and end.  

God wants us to thrive by leading lives that are full of spiritual depth, emotional resilience, and unparalleled peace that comes only from a close relationship with Him. His desire is for us to have a life overflowing with material goodies and with His love, grace, and that unshakeable sense of peace that transcends all understanding. 

That is the real deal. True, long-term prosperity starts there. And frankly, it's far more rewarding than any lottery win.

To Know Him: The Intimate Yearning of a Loving Father

Among God's greatest desires for us is to have a deep relationship with Him. This is more than mere academic understanding, the type you acquire from studying religious books. It’s a profound understanding, a bond that goes beyond language, a link that enriches our spirits with amazement and curiosity. 

Consider the numerous occasions when the Psalmist conveys his longing to "see the glory of the Lord" or to "live in the Lord's house throughout his life" (Psalm 63:2, Psalm 27:8, Psalm 27:4). These weren't hollow sayings; they were calls from a heart yearning for profound connection with the divine. 

This deep understanding demands purposeful effort. It involves setting aside time for prayer, scripture study, and tranquil contemplation. It involves pursuing His presence, hearing His words, and permitting Him to form and fashion us into the likeness of His Son. It means yielding our desires to His, having faith in His plan even when it's uncertain, and welcoming the faith journey with receptive hearts and minds. 

It involves developing a deep affection for God's character, valuing His constant love, His infinite grace, and His unchanging faithfulness. It's a romance, a lifelong quest, a voyage of exploration that reveals itself across our lifetimes.

To Love Genuinely: Reflecting God's Agape

Another deep longing in God's heart is for us to love sincerely, to mirror His agape love to the world. Agape isn't the temporary, intense love typically linked to romantic relationships; it's a selfless, sacrificial love that reaches out to all individuals, irrespective of their deservingness or emotions towards them.

It's the love that drives us to pardon our foes, to offer empathy to the overlooked, and to exhibit generosity to those who might not earn it.

Jesus perfectly demonstrated this love when He sacrificed Himself on the cross for our sins. His sacrifice was not a bargain; rather, it was an outpouring of love so great and profound that it is beyond human comprehension. He cared for us even when we were still sinners, granting us forgiveness and salvation in spite of our flaws.

This is the type of love that God desires us to reflect, sharing it with the world as symbols of His grace. It’s love that changes lives, restores broken hearts, and unites fractured communities. It's a transformative affection that confronts our established beliefs and urges us to exist beyond our own boundaries.

Prospering in God's Way: The Fruits of a Deep Relationship

Let's circle back to this whole prosperity thing. True prosperity depends on having a deep, soulful understanding of God and loving Him with a burning passion. Rethink material possessions and replace them with life lived to the fullest.

Remember that parable of the talents? (Matthew 25:14-30). The master didn't just reward increased profits; he recognized loyalty and hard work, the sheer effort of making the most of what he’d given. He had a broader perspective.

Similarly, God isn't some cosmic accountant tallying up our bank balances. He's more interested in seeing us wield our gifts—our talents, our skills, our sheer being—to build His kingdom to bring a little brightness to the world.

That's the true essence of divine prosperity: a life in sync with His purpose, a life that reflects His incredible grace. It's not just about accumulating; it's about becoming. And frankly, that's far more interesting.

Obstacles and Challenges on the Path to God's Desires

The path to achieving God's truest wishes isn't always easy. We encounter temptations, challenges, and obstacles that can divert us from our path. Arrogance may obscure our need for God, fear can hinder us from following His will, and self-centeredness can stop us from truly loving.

These obstacles are unavoidable, and mastering how to manage them is essential to our spiritual growth. Nevertheless, the benefits greatly surpass the challenges, as we become more resilient and draw nearer to God throughout the journey. We are not the only ones facing these difficulties. God recognizes our human limitations and is always willing to offer help and support.

Our personal imperfections can frequently hinder our journey. We are beings of routine, vulnerable to self-satisfaction and readily sidetracked by the temptations of temporary delights. We hold on to our own wishes, frequently placing self-interest above the common good.

Embracing the Path of Spiritual Development

Living a life that satisfies God is a marathon, a lifelong quest of self-exploration and spiritual growth. Consider it more as a charmingly winding journey rather than a final goal, continuously unfolding and uncovering surprising views. It demands ongoing education, an unwavering quest for knowledge, and a readiness to forgive past experiences and welcome the transformative nature of change.

The Power of Prayer

Prayer serves as a potent means to connect with God's heart and synchronize our lives with His wishes. It's a sincere dialogue with our Heavenly Father, a moment to express our feelings, ask for His direction, and gain solace and support.

Prayer involves grasping God's divine purpose for our lives. By being prayerful, we can develop a richer understanding of God's nature, His love, and His plans for our lives. We can gain the strength to face challenges, receive guidance for tough choices, and find peace to withstand trials.

Prayer serves as a vital connection, a means of solace, and a way to connect with God, promoting a deeper relationship. It is crucial to our relationship with God and should not be disregarded.

At its core, God's greatest wishes for us extend well beyond mere financial wealth. Although He indeed desires our success, His primary goal is for us to have an intimate relationship with Him, to love sincerely, and to lead lives that showcase His glory.

This is the genuine route to a life filled with meaning, happiness, and satisfaction. It’s a life abundant in spiritual encounters, defined by profound and lasting connections, and driven by a love that surpasses all worldly limits. It's not a sprint to the end; it's a path of belief, a journey of change that develops throughout one's life.

It necessitates giving in, being humble, and a readiness to follow His guidance. It means accepting the difficulties, relishing in the successes, and working to emulate Christ more closely.

In the end, the realization of God's profound wishes in us will result in a more fulfilling and significant life for both ourselves and others nearby. It’s a life brimming with meaning and happiness, a life in harmony with the desires of our Maker.

Therefore, let us accept the journey and move forward toward His greatest wishes for us—to thrive, to understand Him, and to love sincerely. This is the essential element for accessing the complete life that He has intended for us. This signifies the core of our beliefs, the fundamental nature of being a child of God. Let’s work towards living lives that showcase His love and honor His name.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/jacoblund

Emmanuel Abimbola headshotEmmanuel Abimbola is a creative freelance writer, blogger, and web designer. He is a devout Christian with an uncompromising faith who hails from Ondo State in Nigeria, West Africa. As a lover of kids, Emmanuel runs a small elementary school in Arigidi, Nigeria.