And in this alignment, contentment blossoms, allowing us to find satisfaction in both what God grants and what He withholds.
Back in college, I had to take a course that involved some advanced math. I was not that great at math, so I struggled with this particular course. I had a friend who helped me with some of the concepts, but I still felt insecure about my performance.
As the exam date approached, I became more and more anxious. I knew that this course had a reputation for being very hard and that even the top students barely passed it. The professor who taught it was also known for being very strict and unpredictable with his questions.
I felt like I had a low chance of passing this exam, no matter how hard I studied. So, I decided to turn to God for help. I prayed and fasted for a few days before the exam and asked God to guide me to the topics the professor would choose for his questions. I trusted that God would hear my prayer and answer me.
The next day, after I started fasting, I had a vivid dream of taking the exam. And in my dream, I paid close attention to the questions on the paper handed to me. So, when I woke up, I remembered the questions clearly and wrote them down. Then, I reviewed them carefully and practiced solving them. I was now very precise in the areas I needed to prepare for the exam.
On the day of the exam, I walked into the classroom with calm confidence. When I received the paper, I was amazed that the questions were the same as in my dream, except for some minor changes in the numbers. I realized that God had given me a miracle and had prepared a way out for me in my time of trouble.
All I had to do was trust Him and follow His direction. So, in my heart, I thanked Him for His grace and mercy and answered the questions with ease.
Prayer and fasting give us access to the power and presence of God in our lives. They help us overcome any challenges we face and help us become a living testimony of the goodness of God to the world.
There are some situations in our lives as believers where ordinarily praying will not be enough. But with prayer and fasting with faith, we are assured of victory. Like in the events in Matthew 17:14-21, where Jesus healed a boy with a demon after his disciples failed to do so. Christ said that they lacked faith and needed prayer and fasting.
The Benefits of Prayer and Fasting
Prayer and fasting are formidable pillars of spiritual practice, bestowing abundant blessings upon those who earnestly engage in them. When you fast and pray, you show the Almighty unparalleled love and a willingness to sacrifice your comfort and desires in devotion to His boundless glory. By doing so, you stand to enjoy many special benefits, such as:
1. Increased Faith: Through prayer and fasting, believers relinquish reliance on their strength and resources, instead entrusting themselves entirely to God's grace and power. This reliance on God fosters unwavering faith, bolstering confidence in God's provision, His guiding hand, and the fulfillment of His promises. Such practices serve as exercises for faith muscles, nurturing profound assurance in God's enduring love and presence.
2. Wisdom: Engaging in prayer and fasting is an earnest quest for divine wisdom, seeking God's perspective, truth, and direction in life's decisions and challenges. By opening one's heart and mind to His insights, believers discern His voice amid the clamor of distractions and deceptions, allowing His wisdom to shed light on their path.
3. Discernment: Prayer and fasting sharpen spiritual senses, heightening awareness of God's workings in personal life and the broader world. This heightened sensitivity also helps us recognize the enemy's schemes, temptations, and lies, differentiate between good and evil, and discern what originates from God and does not.
4. Peace: During prayer and fasting, believers experience a peace that transcends understanding and is rooted in the sovereignty, goodness, and faithfulness of God. This peace becomes a sanctuary where worries, fears, anxieties, and burdens find release. Such tranquility emanates from the profound assurance that God, in His unfathomable care, governs all aspects of life.
5. Joy: Prayer and fasting invite believers to rejoice in the divine presence, salvation, grace, and gifts bestowed upon them. Furthermore, praying and fasting show the joy we derive from obedience, aligning our will with the divine purpose. And in this alignment, contentment blossoms, allowing us to find satisfaction in both what God grants and what He withholds.
6. Healing: Through prayer and fasting, you invite God's healing power into your life, seeking restoration for body, soul, and spirit. This process involves sincere confession, the reception of divine forgiveness, and liberation from any bondage hindering health and wholeness. Also, as believers, you can intercede on behalf of others, bringing their pleas for healing before God's throne of grace through fasting and praying.
7. Breakthrough: Prayer and fasting become potent tools, unleashing God's unparalleled power to dismantle any obstacle obstructing His divine will.
Prayer and fasting give us access to spiritual enrichment and make us actively participate in God's redemption and renewal.
The Biblical Basis and Examples of Prayer and Fasting
Prayer and fasting are ways to show God that we are serious about our relationship with Him. They help us focus on Him and not on ourselves or the things of this world. They also help us humble ourselves before Him and seek His will for our lives.
There are many instances in the Bible where faithful people practice prayer and fasting. Such as:
Moses fasted for 40 days before receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai (Deuteronomy 9:9-18). He also fasted another 40 days after he broke the tablets because of the people's sins (Deuteronomy 9:18, 25, 26; 10:10).
The prophet Elijah fasted for 40 days while escaping from Jezebel, who wanted to kill him. He was depressed and wanted to die, but God sent an angel to feed him and give him strength. God also spoke to him in a gentle whisper and gave him a new mission (1 Kings 19:4-8).
Jesus also fasted for 40 days before starting his ministry. He was tempted by Satan, but he resisted by quoting Scripture. He showed us how to rely on God's Word and Spirit when we face trials (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-4).
Daniel fasted for 21 days to seek God's wisdom and understanding about a vision he had. He ate no pleasant food, meat, or wine during that time. God heard his prayer and sent an angel to explain the meaning of the vision (Daniel 10:1-14).
Esther fasted for three days with all the Jews in Susa before she approached the king to plead for her people's lives. She risked her life by going to the king without being summoned, but she trusted in God's providence and favor (Esther 4:15-17; 5:1-8).
However, when we pray and fast, we should follow Jesus' instructions in Matthew 6:16-18. He said that we should not be like the hypocrites who make a show of their fasting to impress people. Instead, we should do it secretly and sincerely, and God will reward us openly.
When we pray and fast, we should also have a clear purpose and goal in mind. We should not do it just for the sake of doing it, but for a specific reason that honors God and aligns with His will. Some possible reasons are: to repent of our sins and seek God's forgiveness; to worship and praise God for who He is and what He has done; to intercede for others who need God's help; to seek God's guidance and direction for our lives or decisions; and to express our dependence on God and our desire for more of Him.
How to Pray and Fast Effectively and Safely
To pray and fast effectively and safely, you must set a clear goal and purpose for your prayer and fasting. What do you want to seek God for? What do you want to accomplish or change through your prayer and fasting?
Choose a type and duration of fasting that suits your physical condition and schedule. You can fast from food entirely or partially, or from something else that distracts you from God, such as social media, entertainment, or hobbies. You can fast for a day, a week, or longer, depending on your ability and availability.
Prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually for your prayer and fasting. Eat healthy foods before and after your fast, drink plenty of water, and consult your doctor if you have any medical issues. Plan your time and activities during your fast, such as when and how long you will pray, read the Bible, worship, or meditate. Ask God to give you strength, guidance, and protection during your fast.
Be flexible and responsive to the Holy Spirit's leading during your prayer and fasting. Don't be legalistic or rigid about your fasting rules or methods. Be open to God's voice and direction, as He may reveal new things to you or prompt you to do something different or unexpected.
Expect God to work in your life through your prayers and fasting. Have faith that God hears your prayers and will answer them according to His will and timing. Be attentive to His signs, confirmations, or corrections. Be ready to receive His blessings, breakthroughs, or challenges.
Do you want to experience more of God's presence and power in your life? Do you want to make a positive difference in the world? If so, I invite you to engage in a regular practice of prayer and fasting. These are not just religious rituals but sacred ways of connecting with the Most High God and opening ourselves to His spiritual transformation. When we pray and fast, we align our hearts with God's will, and we become more aware of his guidance and grace. We also become more compassionate and generous toward others, spreading God's love and light in the world.
Think about your spiritual journey and ask yourself: How can I make prayer and fasting a regular part of my life? How can these practices help me grow closer to God and serve others better? Don't be afraid to take this challenge and start a new adventure of spiritual growth and divine communion. The path of prayer and fasting is waiting for you; may you discover many blessings along the way.
Photo Credit: ©Zbynek Pospisil