How I Fell in Love with Scripture

Updated May 19, 2023
How I Fell in Love with Scripture

By studying the Word, we set the example of what it means to have a deep, rich relationship with the Lord.

In 2009, I felt a calling to write a book. I had never written a book before, and I was clueless about what to do. But I started praying about it, talked to my husband, and began to search for the first topic I would write about. God also brought a writer who was my kids’ preschool teacher to teach me the ropes about the craft. As I searched the Scriptures, I was fascinated with how many times John called himself in his own Gospel “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” I thought for sure there would be many other resources on this topic. But there were none. The only resource out there was Beth Moore's book The Beloved Disciple. As I studied, consulted commentaries, and did research, I concluded that John called himself the disciple whom Jesus loved because he felt like he had such an intimate relationship with God that he was God's favorite. Not only was that my first encounter with Scripture through detailed study, but I fell in love with God’s Word in a new way. 

If you're someone who merely reads the Word but doesn't study it, I want to encourage you to try studying the Word for yourself. Not only does it give new meanings to the words, but sometimes it gives you an entirely different interpretation of what that verse means even if you've read it many times before. 

Here are some ways you can fall in love with deeply studying Scripture:

Pick a Topic of Passion

First, I found a topic I was passionate about. Because there were not many resources out there regarding this phrase concerning John, I wanted to see for myself what it really meant. I discovered new ways of interpreting that phrase, and I was also able to provide a resource by writing a book to help other people understand it as well. Choose a topic you want to learn more about. If you're unsure, as you read the Word daily, figure out if there are phrases or words repeated many times. If a word or phrase is repeated many times, it's important. Set out to challenge your current beliefs about that phrase. Challenge yourself to find a completely different interpretation than what you previously knew. Some of the best moments I've had encountering Scripture is when I discover a whole new meaning of a verse or passage, even if it's something I've read many times before. 

Invest in Commentaries

Second, invest in some commentaries. Although some commentaries are expensive, it's worth the investment as you'll have those books for many years to come. Try to use several commentaries to find out what each scholar says regarding the passage. It is important to get several opinions on the topic because you can compare their interpretations and conclusions.

Create a New Devotional Time

Third, use studying as part of your quiet time devotion. It's easy to read a quick devotional for five minutes before going to work. But have you ever considered setting aside a large amount of time to study Scripture for yourself? If you love to learn, you will love this way of studying the Bible.

Do an Inductive Bible Study

Fourth, do an inductive Bible study. Every Christian needs to know how to do an inductive Bible study. There are three parts to completing this type of study. The first is observation. Simply read the passage of what you see. What are the basic words used in that verse? For further explanation, you may want to consult several translations of the same verse so you can get the most meaning out of it. The second is interpretation. What does it mean in its current context? Be sure to look at the verses above and below the Scripture you are studying. Context is very important when it comes to studying the Word for yourself. This is the time when you want to consult commentaries. However, rely more on your current understanding and use commentaries as a supplement rather than the primary way you study Scripture. It is important not only to get other scholars’ points of view, but it is also important for you to see the verse for yourself. This will make it easier to apply the verse to your life. 

The third is application. this allows us to ask the question, “How do I apply this to my life?” Not only is important to know Scripture, but it is also important to be able to apply this Scripture to your daily life. The Bible was not meant to simply read through or glance at but, more importantly, study it for ourselves. This is God's love letter to his people. It is important we understand the context as well as nuances and meaning that may shed new light on popular Scripture passages. Although the Bible was written many years ago, it's words still have meaning and purpose for us today. 

Share What You've Learned

Once I'm done reading and interpreting the Word, I begin to teach what I've learned to others. Application is important not only to do transforming work in our own lives but as disciples, we are to be equipped so that we may train others in what we know. This includes teaching them Scripture. If you've been a Christian for a long time, it's important for you to use your gifts to make disciples within your church. This involves a better understanding of the Word. There is no better way to help others apply the Word than to teach them to study for themselves. 

You do not have to teach in your church to be a Bible teacher. Host a Bible study once a week in your home. Allow people to come with their questions, fears, and doubts. Create a safe space for people to ask deep questions about their faith. In this way, you will be able to teach people how to think critically through the Scriptures and to live life through the lens of a Christian worldview.  

Allow Scripture to Transform You

Scriptures are meant to transform our lives, not merely to just be a book we read. If you still need help applying the Word, choose one of the twelve disciples and study them throughout the four Gospels. What did they do? How did they live? What did you see in them that made them a good, unique disciple? To be disciples, we must study the disciples. We have much to learn from both their mistakes and their triumphs. What do you see when you read about them? Are you more like them or less like them, and in what ways? 

No matter how long you take to study the Bible, the way people learn how to be more like Jesus is to follow your example. By studying the Word, we set the example of what it means to have a deep, rich relationship with the Lord. Not only do you have to read the Word, but you also must apply it and live it out. As people wholly loved by God, we treat others differently. We extend more grace, mercy, and forgiveness and care more about other others than we do ourselves. This is perhaps the best way for an unbelieving world to become believers. 

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/B-C-Designs

Writer Michelle LazurekMichelle S. Lazurek is a multi-genre award-winning author, speaker, pastor's wife, and mother. She is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services and host of The Spritual Reset Podcast. Her new children’s book Hall of Faith encourages kids to understand God can be trusted. When not working, she enjoys sipping a Starbucks latte, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and her crazy dog. For more info, please visit her website