How I Learned to Have a Vibrant Quiet Time

Updated May 09, 2023
How I Learned to Have a Vibrant Quiet Time

If God wants to speak, he's going to speak. I just want to make sure I make room for him to do so. 

Quiet time has always been a struggle. I have difficulty incorporating quiet time with the Lord into my daily schedule. So often, I get bogged down by the distractions and the to-do list of the day that I usually either rush through my quiet time or skip it altogether. As we all know, to have a vibrant walk with the Lord, we need to incorporate time not only to pray but also to listen to his voice. 

Growing up, I lived in a home that valued hard work. My father was always doing something productive, whether it was cutting the grass, working, or getting exercise at the local park. I never saw quiet time modeled in my home; the television or music was always on. To this day, I still want to turn on music or the television when it's time to have peace and quiet. I've come to learn through obedience and perseverance that having a great quiet time not only helps you mature in your faith but is also a necessity for my spiritual well-being. Everyone has a busy schedule. But do we give God the time he deserves? Scripture says Jesus went to lonely places to pray. He made this part a priority in his life, and we should too. 

Here are some ways that I learned how to have a great quiet time:

Write Down What's on Your Mind

I wrote down everything that was on my mind. This "mind dump," as I call it, allowed me to get everything off my mind that would pose a distraction when I tried to be quiet. I typically found that when I tried to spend time with the Lord, my to-do list would pop into my head. While it's important to keep track of your to-do list to accomplish tasks throughout the day, it was often getting in the way of my time to just focus on God. Before starting my prayer time, I write out everything on my mind. I also keep a notebook and pen alongside me in case a thought pops into my head as well. I simply write it down and then re-focus. 

I also had to shift my perspective and learn how to use my time well. I fill up every second of the day with productivity, but this can lead to burnout, so I make goals to sit quietly before I do anything else in the day. I tend to not do the quiet time at all if I put it aside or say I'm going to do it later. I also had to shift my perspective from my quiet time being on my to-do list as something that I look forward to. When I was younger in my faith, I would dread or even be terrified of quiet time for fear of what God would show me. But I've had enough encounters with God where he has spoken to me that I now look forward to it. The best moments in my spiritual walk have been when God has spoken to me. When I’m able to hear his voice and obey his commands, I'm in alignment with God. My quiet time helps me maintain that goal. 

Read Your Bible

Next, I read my bible. Pictures are one of the primary ways God speaks to us. In fact, we have sixty-six books inspired by God to tell us what he wants us to do throughout our lives. If I'm not reading Scripture, it's difficult for me to discern God's voice because I don't have any thoughts or desires to compare to. If I find something in my life is out of line with the Word, I can make sure it doesn't happen again. Sometimes things jump out at me and speak to me through Scripture, and sometimes they don't. The purpose is not to get something every time but rather to fellowship with God. This is something he wants from us. God needs nothing from us, yet he yearns to spend time with us. Sometimes simply sitting in peace and quiet with nothing coming to mind is its own blessing from God.


I pray and tell God everything I'm feeling and thinking. He knows anyway, so it's no surprise to him. But God promises that if I cast my cares upon him, he'll be faithful to relieve that burden. God's yoke is light, and he doesn't want us bogged down by heavy soul issues or emotional trauma that can make it difficult for us to have a relationship with him. 

Set a Timer

Fourth, I set a timer on my phone for 10 minutes. Sometimes I want an extended time for prayer. It’s not important the quantity of time as is the quality of time. Although God does speak to me more when I dedicate special time, God can easily speak in 5 minutes as he can in 15 minutes. If God wants to speak, he's going to speak. I just want to make sure I make room for him to do so. 

Having said all this, I find it difficult to settle down and focus. If I'm in a distracted mood where I can't focus, I ask God to give me direction. I often find I have the least amount of focus after coming out of a time of rest such as the Sabbath or a free weekend. If I don't get a proper Sabbath each week, my mind and body feel it. I'm not as productive throughout the week as I could be, and I found myself more stressed. 

Change Things Up

Another thing I do is vary my format. Sometimes I pray and lay down all my heavy burdens at his feet. To get myself focused, I will picture God in my mind sitting on his throne as I cast all my cares at his feet. God said he is faithful to carry our burdens for us. I take a lot of comfort in knowing that even at my worst God still loves me, and he cares about me enough to help me carry my burdens. Sometimes I have his worship in my heart all I can do is say thank you and praise God for 15 minutes. This may not sound productive, but it is. God is worthy of all our praise. God wants us to praise him and give him glory. I'm particularly thankful because a prayer has been answered or my burden is lighter that day, I will simply spend the 15 minutes praising God for all he is and does for me. Sometimes I'm thankful, and I spend the 15 minutes thanking God for all the ways I've seen him at work in my life in the past. This is also vital because it helps us not focus on ourselves but only on God. I find that praise and gratitude are two ways in which I can show God I love him the most. I believe it gives God joy when I praise him for all the ways he's been in my life. 

Additionally, varying the format of how I do my quiet time does help in terms of resisting boredom and allowing a good quiet time. If I feel God is stirring my spirit on different things throughout the day, I will stop and pray again. It is important for me to vary what I do to give God my full attention. If I find I'm struggling to give him my full attention in the morning when I normally do my quiet time, I will do an additional one in the afternoon or evening. Being distracted means my focus is not on God. While he still honors the time I give him, I know in my heart I could be doing more.

Here are some ways God chooses to speak, as stated above:

-Scripture is one of the great ways God likes to speak to us. 

-God uses dreams and visions.

-He can speak to us through our gut feeling, better known as the Holy Spirit's discernment. 

-God can also speak through people.

Step Out in Obedience

Last, I step out in obedience and act on what I'm seeing, feeling, and hearing. Is so important for us to be in obedience to what we believe God is calling us to do. If we often hear from God but never do what he says, it is more than likely he will stop speaking. We must be obedient to what we hear God saying. As we do, it develops our emotional maturity and helps us practice listening to God. Jesus made it a regular practice to listen to his Father. He dedicated time alone to figure out what was on God's heart and then carried that obedience through his ministry to cast out demons, heal the sick, and preach to the poor. 

Quiet time can be very difficult for many people. However, it doesn't have to be. The best moments of your spiritual walk could be happening right in your own home. Take the steps necessary to create a regular quiet time, vary your approach, and cast all your cares on him before starting. In doing so, you will have a rich and vibrant spiritual life.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Sinenkiy

Writer Michelle LazurekMichelle S. Lazurek is a multi-genre award-winning author, speaker, pastor's wife, and mother. She is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services and host of The Spritual Reset Podcast. Her new children’s book Hall of Faith encourages kids to understand God can be trusted. When not working, she enjoys sipping a Starbucks latte, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and her crazy dog. For more info, please visit her website