What if Jesus wouldn’t have lived intentionally? Can you imagine what life would be like without his love and hope? How would it affect you?
Living intentionally impacts all of us—whether it’s through the beautiful, redeeming life of Jesus or even our own day-to-day decisions. Yes, even our own decisions. It’s easy to wake-up and simply “go with the flow”, but what if we stand focused in faith and choose to live with intention instead? What differences would emerge? Would life display a deeper grit, coloring our walk with Jesus in vibrant and rich ways? Would we have the life we’ve always wanted? Why not investigate and see?
Read on as we dive into and learn about seven powerful ways to live intentionally.

What Does It Mean to Live Intentionally?
Living intentionally simply means to act and do with purpose. For instance, you might be purposeful about drinking sixty or seventy ounces of water daily this year. Maybe it’s thirty minutes of exercise three or four times each week. Or, maybe you’re pursuing a bachelor’s degree and have set sights and plans with that goal in mind. But what about faith? How do we live our day-to-day faith in a purposeful way?
According to Isaiah 43:7, man’s purpose is to glorify God. Living intentionally pertaining to the Christian faith simply entails being purposeful with our daily decisions and goals. It can include consciencious decisions concerning forgiveness, love, reading the Bible, praying, and more. But don’t think of these faith actions as a checklist to be conquered. An intimate, intentional life with Jesus offers so much more. Don’t miss out!
Creating an Intentional Life
When my husband retired from the military and we moved halfway across the United States, life changed. We were used to friendships forming as soon as the moving truck doors closed. We lived in bustling communities where neighbor knew neighbor. In our new civilian community, however, closed doors and quiet streets awaited. The transition proved difficult, and I sulked in the loneliness.
One day, somewhere mid-sulk, the Lord garnered my attention. Instead of waiting for others to reach out to my husband and me, he prompted us to reach out to them. I realized we were part of the problem—and the solution, too. It was a call to be intentional.
We began delivering welcome bags to new neighbors and organized a yearly neighborhood picnic. We grew familiar with new faces and they came to know us—all because of purposeful choices. I’ve found that a life filled with intentionality like this is a full life, especially when it concerns faith.

Living Intentionally for God
The Bible lists many was to live intentionally for God: to pray continually, to forgive as we have been forgiven, and to commune with him. There’s so much more to our walk with the Lord than simply taking whatever comes our way.
Throughout the Bible, we notice people like David, Caleb, and Joshua who were given a promise by God. They didn’t simply allow “whatever happened to happen.” No. They set plans in place. They battled. They recalled God’s goodness. They worshiped and praised. And the outcome was extraordinary. They were intentional, and we can be, too.
Intentional Living with Kristi Woods Christian Podcast
A new Christian podcast awaits on this very topic of living with intended purpose. LifeAudio’s Intentional Living with Kristi Woods is a new six-episode Christian podcast series available for free. Each thirty-minute episode covers topics such as the words we use and relationships we keep to prayer and the life of Jesus.
You can find it by clicking here.
7 Powerful Ways to Live Intentionally
Six topics are discussed more in-depth on the podcast, but let’s touch on a few topics in this piece, too. Here are seven powerful ideas you can incorporate into your daily life now to build an intentional faith life.
1. Relationships
Life begins with a relationship: the Potter and his clay. We are planned and created by our Creator—fearfully and wonderfully made in his likeness and image according to Psalm 139:14.
And then there’s a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Our eternal hope rests in a true relationship with him. These bonds create strong and steady or crumbling foundations—depending on how we choose. Consider if you rely on Jesus Christ as Savior. If not, start there.
Next, move on to bonds with family, friends, and others. How do those relationships flow? Or, do they? Would they benefit from regular or increased conversations, texts, outings, or interaction? Instead of saying, “We should get together...” schedule a date right then. Be intentional.

2. Love
John 3:16 states that “God so loved the world that he gave…” Love is important and well worth our focus.
1 Corinthians 13 offers an entire chapter defining love. It’s patient. It doesn’t envy. It rejoices with the truth. And more. How can our lives mirror one lived intentionally in and for love? Review 1 Corinthians 13. Ask God to show you your heart concerning love’s attributes. Study specific words you might struggle with, such as being patient. Use a Bible concordance to help you find related scriptures that can be incorporated into your life.
3. Prayer
The Bible calls us to pray continually in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. In Matthew 17:21, Jesus stated that certain spirits could only come out by prayer and fasting. Jesus, in Luke 23:34, prayed while on the cross, “Father forgive them.” Prayer’s an excellent area of faith, ripe for decisions with forethought.
Here are a few suggestions to add prayer into your day:
- Set a time to pray each day.
- Keep a prayer list and review it regularly. Follow up with folks on those prayer lists and make notes.
- Walk around the house or neighborhood, praying as you go.
4. The Bible
Useful for teaching, rebuking, and training in righteousness, the Bible is a God-given weapon. Why not use it with great intention?
Daily and yearly reading plans await us—many downloadable online or located in the back of some Bibles. Bible studies and scripture memory programs await, too. Digesting God’s Word, however we take those bites, proves beneficial and life-changing.

5. Church
The church is an organic organism—living and breathing, each doing its part. In Ephesians 4:11, we find a list pertaining to the church. It includes prophets, evangelists, teachers, and more. Each exists to help with the maturing of believers.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 describes the church body—how there are many parts and each is equally important. We weren’t meant to journey through life alone. The body needs its parts, and each part needs the others.
Consider and pray about your involvement as a member of the body of Christ. Are you involved locally? Why or why not? Take some time to review needs, promptings, and how these balance with the Bible.
6. The Life of Jesus
His life displayed love, forgiveness, understanding, deliverance, and healing. He reached out to the unlovely, walked alongside and ate with those we’d consider unsuspecting, and he made an undeniable difference in the world. By studying the life of Jesus in the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, we can investigate how he lived life—then pray about how his example should impact ours.
Here are a few places to start:
- Forgiveness (Luke 23:34)
- Love (Matthew 22:37-39)
- Prayer and Obedience (Matthew 26:36-42)
- Healing (Matthew 8:1-3)
7. Words We Speak
Words accompanied the earth’s beginning. Over and over in the first chapter of Genesis, the Bible notes, “And God said…” At his crucifixion, Jesus spoke words of forgiveness. During his ministry on earth, he assured, affirmed, delivered, and healed. And words attended each one.
They’re important. But sometimes it’s easy to toss them out haphazardly, isn’t it? Maybe this is an area ripe for focus and purposeful action. If so, pray about your words. Look up Bible verses pertaining to them, such as James 1:19 and Proverbs 16:24, then proceed as you feel prompted by the Lord. Your faith will likely deepen and grow richer as a result.
Kristi Woods, a multi-published writer and speaker, loves the label “Jesus girl” most. Her latest Bible study, Created to Believe: A Bible Word Study, and other faith-building tools can be found at www.KristiWoods.net. A regular contributor at iBelieve.com and Crosswalk.com, she is published in various print and online publications. Kristi, her handsome, retired-from-the-Navy husband, and their three children survived a nomadic, military lifestyle and have set roots in Oklahoma--where she keeps close watch for tornadoes and good chocolate.
This article is brought to you by the Intentional Living Podcast. This FREE six-episode podcast gives you a clear roadmap to learn how to live an intentional life. You can check it out at LifeAudio.com.
Originally published Wednesday, 12 February 2020.