Following the kickoff of a new year, it’s a great time to look back and recognize the best-performing articles produced by iBelieve’s writers.
Following the kickoff of a new year, it’s a great time to look back and recognize the best-performing articles produced by iBelieve’s writers.
The messages of these top ten Faith articles offers a special glance into the types of struggles believers have faced in the past year, the questions they have asked, and the kind of encouragement their hearts have needed.
It’s not easy to live a life for God when the world is busy sending lies and distractions in new and different ways every day. New challenges arise for parents who desire to raise children who are confident in Christ, despite shifting cultural pressures, and fast-changing technologies. And even with the growing awareness of today's mental health crisis, we still often feel as if our own thoughts work against us.
The abiding Truth of God’s word has anchored Christ’s followers for generations, and will continue to build us up, renew our minds, and give us hearts for one another for years to come. That, we can be confident in. iBelieve’s top 10 faith articles stand on this truth, holding fast to Scripture, and look with confidence at the days to come.
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Here are iBelieve's top 10 Faith articles of 2019:
#10. 10 Sins Christians Downplay (and Why They're So Destructive) by Lynette Kittle
From the article:
Hebrews 12:1 describes a great cloud of witnesses surrounding Christians, urging all to throw off every hindrance and sin that so easily entangles. Sadly, even while being cheered on, Christians have become slack in dealing with sin in their lives.
So when sin is not being confronted, or even viewed as sin at all, it’s time to address it with the hope of gently helping to restore believers caught in its web.
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#9. 10 Things God's Voice Will Never Say to You by Aretha Grant
From the article:
“A stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.” (John 10:5)
When I was a new Christian, hearing and knowing God’s voice were the two things I struggled the most with. How could I know whether I was hearing from God when I didn’t know His voice? How could I be sure the Lord was speaking to me while reading Scripture, listening to a sermon, or going to Sunday school or a Bible study lesson? I was so afraid of missing God’s instructions, warning, and encouragement that I often found myself paralyzed by doubt.
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#8. 10 Warnings in the Bible We Don't Take Seriously Enough by Lynette Kittle
From the article:
Although the Bible warns us of attitudes and activities to stay away from, how seriously do most Christians follow biblical counsel?
God’s cautions are for our good, and ignoring His guidance and commands opens us up to being misled. To help us keep our feet on the path that leads to life, below are 10 biblical warnings Christ’s followers should take more seriously.
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#7. Why Swearing (Even a Little) Is Still a Sin by Gina Smith
From the article:
You've probably seen the T-shirt or the meme that says, "I Love Jesus And I Cuss A Little! "It's meant to be cute or funny-- but is it really funny when you hold it up to the measuring stick of God's Word?
Cussing has become "cute" and something to laugh at. "Loosen up!" and "Don't be so legalistic!" are often the responses given if one is confronted about their speech.
In those situations, I feel frustrated. Then I begin to wonder if I’m wrong, if maybe swearing isn’t that big of a deal. But when I to go back to the Word of God, my resolve is strengthened that yes, what comes out of our mouths does matter and is a big deal.
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#6. His Mercies Are New Every Morning: 10 Reasons We Can Have Hope in Hard Seasons by Debbie McDaniel
From the article:
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Sometimes, the days can feel weary and life can be hard. Circumstances might change around us, or we find ourselves facing huge battles. Perhaps we’re walking through a difficult illness, or dark seasons, and no matter how much we’ve prayed, the difficulty seems to linger on for far too long.
What does it mean that God’s mercies are new every morning?
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#5. How to Pray for Healing When You're Faced with Difficult Problems by Debbie McDaniel
From the article:
As believers, we can have the confidence to come before Him in humility to receive His grace and help, no matter what we’re facing.
And though sometimes, we may feel that we only have a bunch of broken pieces of life to bring before Him, that's OK because He's bigger. Christ faced greater brokenness and pain than we could ever imagine in this life. So He understands right where we are, and He cares.
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#4. 10 Powerful Psalms You Should Pray Regularly by Tamela Turbeville
From the article:
God has done so much in my life, and I am sure in yours as well. Sometimes I have difficulty finding the words to express my worship and adoration, especially in prayer. How do I fully express gratitude to the One True God for His abundant blessings? In times of distress, what do I say to convey my pain? When I am down to my last ounce of strength, how do I communicate my need to my Father?
One of the most significant sources of words for praise, worship, thanksgiving, and need comes from the book of Psalms.
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#3. 10 Sins Jesus Condemns Most Harshly in Scripture by Cortney Whiting
From the article:
Throughout Jesus’ life and ministry, He called listeners’ attention to various sins as he taught about His Father’s will, and guided believers in what it truly means to love God, and to walk with Him. But during His ministry, did Jesus call out some sins more than others?
As God’s children, we are to pay attention, not just to Jesus’ words, but what they reveal about His heart for us. Wherever He calls out sin, he points the way to something far greater than what the sin promises us. This is why it is so crucial to listen closely and respond to what Jesus emphasized in His teachings.
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#2. 10 Bible Verses to Read When Anxiety Strikes by Rachel Dawson
From the article:
It is so easy to feel anxious, worried, overwhelmed, or just out of control in our lives. Many things around us cause us to stress or fear, and everywhere we turn, it seems like more bad news pops up.
How do we live in this world, but not be of it, like Scripture tells us? How do we open ourselves up to love ourselves, our neighbors, our world, and our God well without becoming burdened by all the hurt and the brokenness? How do we continue to seek Christ when everything seems to be crashing down or falling apart?
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#1. 9 Signs That God Is Opening a Door by Victoria Riollano
From the article:
Have you ever wondered whether God was opening a door or if something was merely the enemy teasing you with a fresh “opportunity”? It can be difficult to decipher whether your good idea is a “God idea.” In fact, I am a believer that some things brought our way are merely holy distractions. Though the opportunity may look “good on paper,” it is simply not meant for you at this moment in your life.
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