As a result of this encounter, Hagar decided to give the Eternal One who had spoken to her a special name because He had seen her in her misery.
Hagar: I’m going to call You the God of Seeing because in this place I have seen the One who watches over me. Genesis 16:13 (VOICE)
According to people who know me I'm dramatic when sick or hurt.
I would disagree, but really, what do I know when I'm arguing with someone (Xylon) who has had a bone marrow transplant and someone else (my mom) who has had their heart shocked back to rhythm multiple times?
On Sunday, I stepped on a piece of glass while walking on the beach.
The cut was clean, but pretty deep, and about 3cm long.
There was blood. I want to say there was a lot of blood but fear the aforesaid people might think I'm dramatic.
All I had was a tissue. And about 1km to walk across the beach to the car.
I asked Xylon for the drawstring on his pants, and tied it round the tissue and my foot as a makeshift MacGyver shoe, and then we walked home as fast as I could.
That’s it. Not dramatic at all.
Well, there was one slightly dramatic pause when I burst into tears and cried, "How will we ever make it to the car?"
But I'm blaming that one on shock.
To be honest, I know I can be dramatic when I’m sick or hurt.
But if it helps at all, I also know why I’m dramatic. I want someone to notice me. I want people to react in a way that signals that I matter, in a way that tells me, “I’ve seen your hurt.”
There’s a story in the bible that I strongly identify with.
It’s about a woman who was hurt in ways I can’t even imagine. Hagar, a slave, she was used by her mistress, made to sleep with her owners wife, and then when she became pregnant with his child was treated badly by her mistress.
The Special Messenger gives her all kinds of promises from God and at the end of it the Bible says,
“Hagar decided to give the Eternal One who had spoken to her a special name because He had seen her in her misery.
Hagar: I’m going to call You the God of Seeing because in this place I have seen the One who watches over me.” (tweet this)
I don’t identify with this story because of what Hagar went through. Her misery is way worse than any I have experienced. Cutting my foot on the beach is a really bad comparison.
I identify with this story because, every time I read it, I remember God is the One who watches over me, who sees my misery.
It reminds me that God not only sees me but he responds to me:
God doesn’t leave me broken. He brings to completion the work he starts (Phil 1:6).
God is my help in trouble. He is safe place to share my misery (Psalm 46:1).
God makes all things new. All. Things. (Revelation 21:5).
I think these things are true whether I’m speaking about physical pain (like my foot) or emotional pain (like Hagar).
These days as I’m (dramatically) limping towards wholeness I’m reminding myself that:
God sees me.
God responds to my pain.
God is present in my misery. (tweet this)
Ponder: What are you dramatic about in your life in the hope that someone will you see the misery you are hiding?
Prayer: Eternal One, thank you that you know you my name and see me in my misery. Help me to remember that are the God of Seeing and you watch over me. I can’t wait to see how you make all things new. Amen.
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Get a copy of my e-book Life, Life and More Life for free. Just subscribe to receive my devotionals every Monday and Friday. In the book I share some of thoughts on how to make every moment count, gleaned from my experiences of loving my husband through 18 sessions of chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. You can subscribe here
- This was orginally published on my site in November 2015. To read more devotionals like this go to ilovedevotionals.com